Help with a Sarenite Cleric


So, my good 'ol cleric of Torag died. Manly tears were shed. This is for a Rise of the Runelords game, for some context. Looking at the group RP-wise, a Sarenite Cleric might be cool.

I already have the basic idea planned out; a cleric who focuses on abjuration and using spells to enhance his and his ally's martial prowess. Basically, a support cleric who can hold his own.

This is where I got writer's (players's?) block. I have no idea what his personality would be like. So, I am asking for help on this one. What would a wandering Cleric of Sarenrae be like? What would be an interesting backstory? For those that have played or know alot about Runelords, what would be a backstory, without being spoilery about details? (I already know the overarching plot; including the ending unfortuneately...)

I came on the boards to ask something very similar.

I want to build a sick abjuration specialist cleric. Im open to other divine casters, but I would ideally like to do this with a Devout Pilgrim cleric with the Love and Liberation domains. That way I will be able to use the sanctuary and freedom of movement abilities on my allies.

To go with that theme, Id like to really trick out a divine abjurer. Im aware of spell focus (and greater), mage's tattoo, and varisian tattoo. For race traits, Ive found Enclave Protector (+1 DC abjuration), but no worthy races have it as an option.

Feel like Ive hit a wall and would be grateful for any insight...

The Exchange

Most allies won't want sanctuary because sanctuary breaks the moment you attack or cast offensive spells. The only people who would find it useful are those who like using summon spells, Sanctuary does not protect from area of effect stuff like fireballs. There may be a problem finding a golarion god with both liberation and love domain and separatist cannot be combined as both varisian priglim and separatist alter domain feature.

Freedom of movement is not save DC dependent so having all that focus on it is really redundant. Pass.

Probably, if allowed and group has no bard, go evangelist so you can praise the sun and everyone gets buffs out of it.

To compensate for your lack of armor, you could probably go dervish dance and run base stats like 10 str, 16 dex, 14 con, 10 int, 14 wis, 14 cha, put all stat increases into wis. If you don't need the channels, you can drop cha to 10, for 18 dex, though evangelists use cha to determine no. Rounds of bardic performance.

Your backstory depends on which book you're in.

Sarenite clerics are about redemption, so I like to be a former bad guy redeemed. What's more they tend to be a people who are almost neutral in their mindset and acceptance but when it comes to their own actions it is expected that they do the moral thing.

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