Adding an Arcane Spell to the Cleric Spell List

Rules Questions


I'm a DM for a weekly game and one of my NPCs is a cleric, a bishop of the local church. The Cleric class is not a must, but the below is imperative:

Able to cast Deep Slumber as a 3rd level divine spell and able to cast Remove Curse as a divine spell.

I have been unable to find any way to get Deep Slumber onto the cleric's spell list or grant the cleric access to Deep Slumber.

Any advice?

What level is the NPC?

Arcane Savant level or two would get the job done.

I'd probably do something like 5 levels Cleric, 2 levels arcane savant
This makes your caster level 7 and able to cast 4th level spells.
Pick up deep slumber as your spell list addition.

Remember that clerics can do spell research, just like wizards and other casters.

That or make the cleric an Samasaran (spelling?).

Where does it say clerics can research spells? I am not being snarky. I actually can't find that rule.

This is all I found.

Independent Research: A wizard can also research a spell independently, duplicating an existing spell or creating an entirely new one. The cost to research a new spell, and the time required, are left up to GM discretion, but it should probably take at least 1 week and cost at least 1,000 gp per level of the spell to be researched. This should also require a number of Spellcraft and Knowledge (arcana) checks.

For good measure, the "Arcane Savant" is really the "Pathfinder Savant". the SRD had to change a bunch of setting based names.

wraithstrike wrote:
Where does it say clerics can research spells?

An NPC cleric? Right at the beginning under "Getting Started," in the section entitled "The Most Important Rule."

Most Game Masters have a number of “house rules” that they use in their games.

Yup, here it is.

Divine spells are granted from the gods. You are the GM, you have just decided that this deity can grant Deep Slumber and Remove Curse.

For consistency allow any PCs who gain spells from this deity to also gain these spells.

Eldritch Heritage Arcane Bloodline. THe Improved Eldritch Heritage nets you 1 spell from wizard/cleric list, plus 2 at higher levels.

oracle of lore

Orfamay Quest wrote:
wraithstrike wrote:
Where does it say clerics can research spells?

An NPC cleric? Right at the beginning under "Getting Started," in the section entitled "The Most Important Rule."

Most Game Masters have a number of “house rules” that they use in their games.

A house rule/rule 0/GM Fiat is not a rule for "official" purposes, and THIS is the section for rules for EVERYONE until the GM says otherwise, NOT just for that group.

So I guess that means the rule does NOT OFFICIALLY exist.

There is a house rule section on these boards separate from the RULE area. Do you need a link to it? <in my nice voice>

Your guys suggestions are great!

However, I decided to take a different path. 4 Winds Fantasy has the Dream domain, with no subdomains. I've created the Sleep and Imagination subdomains, and put Deep Slumber as Sleep's 3rd level domain spell.

Appreciate the help!

What if he was a Paladin? 9th level Paladins can Remove Curses with a Lay on Hands, and the Unsanctioned Knowledge feat would allow him to grab Deep Slumber from the Bard list at 3rd level.

Where does it say clerics can research spells? I am not being snarky. I actually can't find that rule.

New Divine Spells

Divine spellcasters gain new spells as follows.

Spells Gained at a New Level: Characters who can cast divine spells undertake a certain amount of study between adventures. Each time such a character receives a new level of divine spells, she learns all of the spells from that level automatically.

Independent Research: A divine spellcaster can also research a spell independently, much as an arcane spellcaster can. Only the creator of such a spell can prepare and cast it, unless she decides to share it with others.

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