Scott_UAT |

If you have those stats you can pretty much do what you want. Nothings is a penalty and you have three 17s starting off before racial adjustment (I assume).
Stats don't define what class you need to play unless you really are into optimization. My suggestion is always play what you think you'll enjoy the most. Pathfinder is as much a living story as it is a game, so making a compelling character is much more interesting than a good one to me.
Out of curiosity, what method of stat generation did you use? Those seem awfully high.

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This is the perfect statblock for a hybrid... I would chose a class that has both, melee and spells of some kind... prolly either an int or a cha class, as you can make a great skillmonkey / partyface as well...
Rage Prophet could be a good choice for example, if you didn't already have an oracle of battle.

Darth Grall |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Monk. Either Martial Artist or vanilla imo.
Why monk you ask? Monks benefit the most from stupidly high stats because they're so MAD, so since your stats are through the roof you'll benefit more than most. Plus it seems to me, as long as the Oracles providing good healing/buffs then all your other bases are covered and Monks are a good 5th party member.
If I were to do a spread, I'd go Human, add their bonus to STR
20 STR
17 DEX
17 CON
16 INT
17 WIS
12 CHA

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I vote Str Magus. You definitely have the stats to survive frontline, and you bring much needed arcane power to the party. Your extra spells per day from a high int can keep you nova-ing longer than some, and everybody loves haste, especially in such a physical party. Knowledges top that off as well.

Salindurthas |

A versatile class will be able to use your good rolls, and your party lacks arcane casting so it could be fun to fill that niche.
So my suggestions, in no particular order, are:
Have both good melee and good casting.
Charisma is the least useful here, so the 12 can probably go there.
You will be pretty good at pretty much everything...
Extracts aren't quite the same as arcane casting, but are sorta similar. The party has a lot of physical damage, so bombs for consistent energy damage could be nice.
(I personally like the Mindchemist archetype as it lets you have quite astounding knowledge checks early on.)
Dragon Disciple:
Might work.
Gotta wait till after level 5 to qualify for the class which might be annoying.
...divine magic league...
Haha, go Inquisitor then. You get some versatility, using both casting and fighting.
Just get the Fighter to change to Ranger and then everyone gets divine casting!
Interjection Games |

Hmm, a witch with one level of oracle for the double-cursed archaetype. Take feats for a sorcerer bloodline with rerolls and warp reality with the number of rerolls you can force every day. High str,dex,con, and max int. Max out your initiative with improved initiative and a scorpion or chicken-dinosaur familiar. Maybe invest in a simple reach weapon (spears count, yes?) for the ability to shank with bestow curse spell storing what with the strength score you can use.
All in all, you'd be the ultimate "enabler" for all of the beatdown your party has, giving them rerolls at necessary moments; crashing out the enemy's saves, attack rolls, and action economy; and just making a plain nuisance of yourself whenever you do a quickened ill omen followed by a slumber.
Of course, that's coming from a fellow who loves tweaking with systems to be "that guy" and who runs mathematical matrices whenever he builds a new system of his own so "that guy" would have trouble breaking my bloat. :P

Choant |

If you have those stats you can pretty much do what you want. Nothings is a penalty and you have three 17s starting off before racial adjustment (I assume).
Stats don't define what class you need to play unless you really are into optimization. My suggestion is always play what you think you'll enjoy the most. Pathfinder is as much a living story as it is a game, so making a compelling character is much more interesting than a good one to me.
Out of curiosity, what method of stat generation did you use? Those seem awfully high.
Lol! Actually the stats were rolled in front of the gm, we did 4d6 reroll 1's, and no stat less then 10(so reroll if total les then 10)
As for what type of character, I enjoy just about anything, we usually do a 20-25pt buy, but this is amazing, I just want to play that one character you won't ever get to again kind of thing.
stuart haffenden |

17, 17, 17, 16, 18, 12
Our group has twf fighter, 2h paladin, oracle of battle, ranged ranger. This is for a carion crown game, leaning towards reach cleric of desna, or an arcane caster of some kind but looking to see what everyone else thinks.
Fighter: 2 handed weapon
Str: 18
Dex: 12
Con: 16
Int: 17
Wis: 17
Cha: 17

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A diety. Anything less would be selling him short.
Ok, all joking aside, what do you want to play? He'll likely be the best there is at it, no matter what you pick, unless you utterly fail at optimization. Literally anything is good...just whatever you do, don't pick what you DON'T want to play and grow to dislike the character!

Marthkus |

17, 17, 17, 16, 18, 12
Our group has twf fighter, 2h paladin, oracle of battle, ranged ranger. This is for a carion crown game, leaning towards reach cleric of desna, or an arcane caster of some kind but looking to see what everyone else thinks.
Probably your only chance to play a monk that would be really good.
On the other hand you could have a rocking Druid or Cleric.

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Champion of Irori, MADest class there is!
Evangelist Cleric: Huge benefit to the martial party with full divine casting. Your domain can make up for a lot of arcane casting, basically travel for teleport. That or bard, which is a little limited on higher spells.
Nevermind, I forgot Sensei, the other way to be a bard.
Wizard Eldritch knight? Just because?