Cavalier / Thug build


I'm theorycrafting for my next character, mostly because I'm trying to push myself to play something other than a divine caster while still trying to find something I would like to play and avoiding my crutch of spellcasting. Hitting hard is always nice, but I like being able to do more than just hit, I like playing a party face, and I've started loving status conditions.

The build I want is a Cavalier Huntmaster (or Samurai Sword Saint) with the Order of the Cockatrice cross classed with a Rogue with the Thug archetype. Levels go as follows:
6 and up- Cavalier

This gives me Dazzling Display with extra rounds and the ability to sicken foes. If I become a Huntmaster, my animal can dirty trick as well for more debuffing. I know I probably want Power Attack for Cornugon Smash, but what other feats would you take? What race would you recommend? I was thinking Human for more feats or Half Elf so I can get Dual Minded to shore up my will save. If I go Huntmaster, I also probably need to pick up Boon Companion. Ideas? Feat suggestions? Is Huntmaster or Sword Saint better for this build?

Grand Lodge

What books are available?

What races are available?

What is the point buy?

All Paizo books are available. All races technically are too, although I'd like to avoid small races and Aasimars, as the two games I'm currently in I'm playing a Halfling Cavalier and an Aasimar Oracle. My group does heroic rolling (roll 2d6+6 six times) for stats, so I won't know what my stats are until we sit down to play, but assume they're better than most point buys.

Also, if I go Huntmaster, what animal companion is best for that build? Also, when it says I can get a "bird" does that include stuff like Rocs and Giant Vultures?

The bird is the bird animal companion found in the Druid's list of animal companions. I suggest giving the bird (or dog) Benevolent armor and the Bodyguard feat. Between the penalties from Dazzling Display and the bonuses from Bodyguard enemies might have a really hard time hitting you and your allies. If you go with a small race I guess you'd also have the option of riding the dog.

Do Emmisary Cavalier for 2 levels. Add some other full BAB class for +1 level, so you qualify for Shatter Defenses at character level 7th. Do Rogue or Ninja (if DM will let you swap poison use and no trace for Thug archetype) for all other levels.

I feel like I'm missing something, but what does Emmisary add that Huntmaster doesn't? Shattered Defenses is amazing though. Thanks for the suggestion.

Emissary lets you move full speed in medium armor. And gives you Mounted Combat, not that it's terribly useful to you. What is Hunstmaster giving you? You'd want a single powerful companion, not split up HD anyway. Bird and Dog aren't much more useful than normal mount choices. And your challenge will be weak w/ only 2 levels in cavalier. Seems pointless to use the archetype, to me.

If you're going thug rogue, you could fight with saps, taking Enforcer feat and Sap Adept/Master.

The challenge would be weak, true, but Huntmaster doesn't have to split animal companions. What I like is the level 3 Huntmaster ability Takedown that lets the animal companion do dirty tricks/trip. Full speed in medium armor is cool though. The whole Cavalier and riding issue is why I was looking at Sword Saint Samurai too though. A little extra precision damage is cool and Resolve is a good "oh crap" button since my will save will be poop.

Dark Archive

I'm playing a thug/cockatrice cavalier in way of he wicked atm. It's fun, but make sure your party has some other frontliners to flank with you! Most fights I end up as the 'tank', which means I tend to go unconscious quite ofthen :p

Sapmaster, enforcer, and a heavy flail is Fun for brutally beating your terrified, sickened foes :p

Another useful thing is if you have a save-or-lose spellcaster like a witch on your team. You make them sickened and shaken for -4 to saves, and then the caster throws a spell to take them out of the fight.

Grand Lodge

What about Hobgoblin?

The Fearsome alternate racial trait gives you a flat +4 to intimidate, and their racial favored class bonus to Cavalier is a +1/2 bonus on Intimidate checks and Ride checks.

Take the Fell Rider Cavalier archetype.

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