Is there a "Random Encounter" deck?

Product Discussion

After a 10-year hiatus from gaming my old group got back together via skype and started playing again last year. After some late-night brainstorming we have started coming up with ideas for a new campaign.

Somehow I have been tagged to possibly run this crazy homebrew idea. I've maybe GMed a handful of sessions in my life but am getting pretty excited about the challenge.

The idea is that the first few levels the players will be free-form exploring the world around them, learning about all the wacky stuff thats in store for them. Which brings me to my question......

There are decks for Treasure Troves, Plot Twists, and Magic Items.......but is there a product out there that's random events/encounters? Not just a table for 1d6 monsters but something like "the party is walking thru the woods and comes upon a hermit's hut" with some details around whats there and what might happen.

Ive searched around a bit but havent had much luck. Thanks in advance for the assistance!

Liberty's Edge

Welcome back to the game! I know what you’re talking about. In 2nd Edition TSR had made these huge decks of encounter cards that had nearly everything you needed right there: location, opponents or traps, treasure or continuing storylines. You could run a whole campaign just using them (and back in the day I did).

But I know of no encounter deck in today’s market. The Pathfinder GameMastery Guide and books like Ultimate Toolbox have tables with loads of mini encounters in them to spark your imagination. Also there are PDF’s from Raging Swan Press that have mini encounters in them, like their “Dungeon Denizen” series.

Haven't seen a deck, but Toolbox/Ultimate Toolbox from AEG is pretty darned fantastic, and one of the writers has posted extra stuff for it here on the boards a few times.

Sovereign Court Publisher, Raging Swan Press

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Thanks for mentioning Raging Swan, Jeff. Yes we have several products that might be handy for Deylinarr. Our random encounter products presented fully fleshed out encounters and our Wilderness Dressing products present minor points or encounters of interest to enliven otherwise boring journeys.

A full list of our products can be found here.

Liberty's Edge

Brian E. Harris wrote:
Haven't seen a deck, but Toolbox/Ultimate Toolbox from AEG is pretty darned fantastic, and one of the writers has posted extra stuff for it here on the boards a few times.

Nice of you to say Brian, and yes, I'm one of the authors and project manager for the Toolbox books!

Oh yeah! :)

thanks to all for the quick responses - 2 minutes of checking those products out and they look like exactly what I need!

1 person marked this as a favorite. d20 encounter generator (also check out the rest of the site)

d20pfsrd random encounter generator

Alexandrian blog post: Breathing life into the wandering monster

Necromancer Games 3.5 Wilderlands of High Fantasy boxed set has lots of encounter tables.

The Penumbra D20 En Route books line...

Got a link to that Toolbox extra stuff?

Sadly neither of the online generators above has human encounters like thieves, fops, etc.

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 4, RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32

I'd love to see a Paizo version of the Deck of Encounters from 2nd edition AD&D. The problem with the deck was that a lot of the encounters were rubbish, but the general idea was awesome (which is true of most 2nd edition products, it seems). With Paizo's level of quality, such a deck would be an awesome thing to enhance a game.

Liberty's Edge

Thanael wrote:
Got a link to that Toolbox extra stuff?

Indeed I do, I'll post it real soon.

Liberty's Edge

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Here are a bunch of freebie tables we posted on messageboards and came up with "after hours" to share with Paizo and En World: LINK

DM Jeff wrote:
Brian E. Harris wrote:
Haven't seen a deck, but Toolbox/Ultimate Toolbox from AEG is pretty darned fantastic, and one of the writers has posted extra stuff for it here on the boards a few times.
Nice of you to say Brian, and yes, I'm one of the authors and project manager for the Toolbox books!

Jeff, I (heart) you in a manly fashion for Ultimate Toolbox (and its precourser d20 toolbox).

If you ever want to do a deck of encounters let me know. I would love to see a better one worked up that would complement Kingmaker.

The biggest challenge I see to this is CR.I took a stab at this with the my 101 Not So Random Encounters: Urban, and I have Mike Welham working on a Winter/Arctic version. My solution to the CR issue was to have everything scale up or down 2 CR.

The Random Encounters Remastered series by David Nicholas Ross does a good job of providing a wide range of encounter across many terrains and CRs.

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