Golarion's Past: Which adventures would have been APs in Golarion's recent past?

Pathfinder Adventure Path General Discussion

Lantern Lodge

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Which "historical" events do you guys think would ended up as adventuring paths 30 to 50 years in Golarion's past?


Some possibilities off the top of my head:

The Goblinblood War

The Rise of House Thrune (AKA Rise of the Thrunelords - I'm thinking the PCs lost that one!)


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Let's Kill Aroden

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Trinite wrote:

Some possibilities off the top of my head:

The Goblinblood War

The Rise of House Thrune (AKA Rise of the Thrunelords - I'm thinking the PCs lost that one!)

No, the PCs won. That was Paizo's take on Way of the Wicked.

Establishing the Gunworks

Kingmaker (dynastic struggles in Brevoy)

Something with Andorens fighting slavers

-Losing that cannon to the Gorilla King.
-The succession of Sargava

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Rakshaka wrote:
-Losing that cannon to the Gorilla King.

I think that works better if the PCs are all gorillas, leveling up to the point where they can pull off the Gunworks raid.

Shadow Lodge

Preventing the destruction of Sarkonis via the opening of the worldwound. Badguys won this one unless we are playing an all abyssal party.

Horizon Hunters

Rakshaka wrote:

-Losing that cannon to the Gorilla King.


the war between Nex and Geb. great way to give more info on that time.

i think the biggest issues w/ "Past APs" is that its difficult to write in such a way that the PCs have a real affect of the outcome...especially since the outcome is already predetermined before writing begins. :/

Grand Lodge

I think a good module would be the Chopper murders in Sandpoint.

As far as APs go, maybe a "prequel" to Kingmaker that focuses on the disappearance of House Rogarvia.

Also, an AP that involves the founding of Razmir and Thronestep. Could be a good evil AP.

Last, but not least, an AP involving the PCs with the secession of Nirmathas from Molthune. I personally would love an AP that focuses on these two nations and their civil war.

The Test of the Starstone

The Shining Crusade; while we wait for a showdown with the Whispering Tyrant, let's see what ol' TB was like in his heyday.

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