Mounted Combat Advice


Does anyone know where there is a good discussion of mounted combat and the related feats. I have a character who wants to take some ranger levels, but I do not plan on enough to make a full fledged animal companion really worthwhile, even with Boon Companion. Mostly my character is archery focused, but my understanding is that down the road there may be a fair amount of mounted combat, possibly involving flying mounts - griffons, etc.

I have searched the messageboards and the guides, but nobody seems to have written a guide or made a discussion thread specifically focusing on mounted combat and the benefits of the dozen or so mounted feats.

Any insight or direction is appreciated.

Mounted combat is perfect for an archer. Unlike melee, you can actually do full-round attacks without penalties while mounted as long as you move up to mount's speed.

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The 3.5 Private Sanctuary podcast (ep195) did a nice review of the rules. I haven't seen a comprehensive guide to the rules although there are some helpful suggestions in the Cavalier's Guide - Care and feeding of your mount.

Also, mounted archery is really very effective, especially if your character is small. Our RotRL group has a goblin paladin who specializes in mounted combat and generally tears things up.

I think that one question I have is about Trick Riding. As a Ranger Combat Style Feat, I do not require Mounted Combat to get Trick Riding. But, Trick Riding doubles the number of attacks that can be avoided using a Mounted Combat.

"You can make a check using Mounted Combat to negate a hit on your mount twice per round instead of just once."

The problem is that if you take this as a Ranger Feat, it eliminates the prerequisite, but also means that you do not have and Mounted Combat attack avoidance to double. Thus, would I be able to avoid 2 attacks? 1 attack (nothing to double)? or 0 attacks (I simply do not know Mounted Combat period.)?

Zero. You can make a check twice using Mounted Combat - but you don't have mounted combat. Sometimes skipping the pre-reqs for a feat makes it useless (although you'd still be able to auto-pass DC 15 ride checks and wouldn't take the -5 penalty for riding bareback).

I think Indomitable Mount would be good to work in as well. AE spells are another bane of mounts the higher you go.

Indomitable Mount: Benefit: Once per round when your mount must make a saving throw, you can make a Ride check as an immediate action. Your mount makes its save if your Ride check result is greater than the DC of the opponent’s attack.

Dark Archive

You're in luck, Lastoth made a guide specifically for the character you are planning. Here you go: Lastoths Guide to Archery Rangers

Thanks all, will look at all this and see. Looks like I will have to take Mounted Combat if I want the benefit of keeping my mount from getting slaughtered with Trick Riding. And will have to shell out the cash for a mithral breastplate to get the full benefit of Trick Riding.

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