Holy Symbol


Shadow Lodge

I have several questions about holy symbols. In Pathfinder Society, I am considering multi-classing with my magus to cleric of Sarenrae, somewhat for fluff, and I want to differentiate him from my other magus.

Could I get a weapon cord for a holy symbol, so I can drop it easily to cast arcane spells? Its not unrealistic, and would be within RAW if holy symbols can count as weapons.

Second, for flavor purposes, it it possible to get a gold holy symbol? The magus in question is a tiefling, descended from a devil, and even though silver does not hurt him, I like to have him avoid it. And wood is just so boring.

Erm... Theres nothing that says you have to be holding the holy symbol in hand. To be honest you can carry like 30 of them and not even have to worry about them being stolen because their weightless. They just have to be "presented" which just means its shown somewhere on the body and is very ill defined. To my knowledge anyway, someones free to correct me.

Would probably fit on wrist sheath. Gold Holy Symbol is 100gold. Other alternatives include a tattoo and a trait that gives you the holy symbol as a birthmark.

Shadow Lodge

If I could burn a trait, I would be getting Magical Knack. And he already has wrist sheaths. I have just never seen a gold holy symbol until I was prepping a scenario. I just like the idea of a wrist cord because it would be wrapped around the wrist and could easily be retrieved.

Or... You could wear a necklace. Several of them. All over your body and on your armor and weapons. Present it everywhere. Wear so many you can use armor! Instead of buying a gold one buy 100 wooden ones, and go nuts!

Or be sane.

Grand Lodge

Can you not buy a Holy Symbol tattoo?

There is also the Channel Foci, Consecrated Weapon, that count as Holy Symbols.

Shadow Lodge

Where do the rules state that a holy symbol must only be presented? I always thought they had to be held to cast spells. Also, as the character in question is working for Cheliax, he wants something he could easily hide. A consecrated weapon could work, I guess, but I would rather have a holy symbol. Also, I said wooden ones are boring.

I don't think Cheliax would really care about holy symbols. Somewhere, there's probably a Chelaxian Cleric of Sarenrae*.

After all, there is paladins in the Hellknight order.

*I may be wrong on spelling.

Ninjaxenomorph wrote:
Where do the rules state that a holy symbol must only be presented? I always thought they had to be held to cast spells. Also, as the character in question is working for Cheliax, he wants something he could easily hide. A consecrated weapon could work, I guess, but I would rather have a holy symbol. Also, I said wooden ones are boring.

Wood ones are boring, but you can buy 99 extras...

It says it has to be presented for channeling and manipulated for casting spells. I can't for the life of me find the definition of manipulate in that case.. There are a dozen ways to get additional holy symbols on other things though, and those are always pretty nifty.

I knew one person who had their cleric get the tattoo done on his forehead so it was always "presented". Made sense to me.

Find a priest of Sarenrae with Craft Reliquary Arms & Shields and commission a reliquary weapon so your weapon can be a holy symbol and function as a permanent fixture of your deity when you cast Consecrate.

Shadow Lodge

As cool as a fire ink tattoo (obviously the only way to go) symbol would be, I'd rather just have a gold holy symbol. There is also the fact that Sarenrites are not welcome in some parts of the world. And he already HAS a wood one for just wanting one as a devout worshiper. Also, what I am asking is WHERE does it say that a divine focus need only be 'presented'.

Ashram wrote:
Find a priest of Sarenrae with Craft Reliquary Arms & Shields and commission a reliquary weapon so your weapon can be a holy symbol and function as a permanent fixture of your deity when you cast Consecrate.

Consecrated Weapon works just fine for that, this is PFS.

Ninjaxenomorph wrote:
what I am asking is WHERE does it say that a divine focus need only be 'presented'.
MrSin wrote:
It says it has to be presented for channeling and manipulated for casting spells. I can't for the life of me find the definition of manipulate in that case.

You can always just get as many of these as you can. Why just have one showing?

Grand Lodge

Channel Foci is an answer, as is the Holy Symbol Tattoo.

Shadow Lodge

I don't have UE, so I could not get any variant holy symbols technically, and a tattoo is out of the question. I guess if it is impossible to do the cord thing, I'll have to spring for a consecrated weapon eventually. Good thing this isn't my Bladebound magus...

Shadow Lodge

That was weird. I guess it morphed into an advice thread, but my original question of holy symbols being present/in hand and on a weapon cord was never answered.

Liberty's Edge

Ninjaxenomorph wrote:
That was weird. I guess it morphed into an advice thread, but my original question of holy symbols being present/in hand and on a weapon cord was never answered.

Yes to all. The most common holy symbols are probably on a chain or strap of leather...maybe a cord...and gold is available for holy symbols.

The only reference to presenting a holy symbol i can find is in the channel energy description in the cleric part of the CRB. It doesn't specify what presenting means.

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