BiosTheo |
So I am a player in a Pathfinder game, obviously, and our DM is using the Forgotten Realms as a sandbox type setting. So our entire party came to the conclusion that, what the hell we've never done it before, we're going to take over the world starting with the Sword Coast.
Quick note about our campaign, there is eighth of us in the party (good god its a headache but we manage), theres a Magus, Oracle, Paladin, Wizard, Rogue (Skill monkey), Alchemist, Range->Arcane Archer, and a Bard. We are also running the Paragon sub-template from 3.5 (+15 all attributes ecl +5). Considering the absolute retard-strength levels of the Oracle's and Paladin's Charisma modifiers they both have settled on taking the Leadership Feat, so at least a starting army won't be an issue.
Now here's the issue. I'm not really certain of where to start. Our DM is being unclear about the exact timeline, but Luskan, Yartar, and Neverwinter have all been established. This is also sometime after the fall of Mithril Hall.
My thoughts were to enter Luskan and to use political maneuvering, and the eventual destruction of the Arcane Tower, to gain control of the city in order to gain control of the city and it's military strength. Failing that, we could just siege it and take over.
But here's the thing, would anyone come to Luskan's aid? I personally wouldn't think so considering that Luskan has made a point of starting wars with their neighbors, excepting the Ten Towns but nobody really cares about them.
Also, I would like other opinions on where to start, where to build, what would be the most fortuitous.

8 Red Wizards |
I think the Sword Coast is a bad place to start. I have an Envoker Red Wizard of Thay who has decided to try to take over the world, but I placed myself in the Border Kingdoms. I've made myself a caravan master (Teleportation Circle) and expand General item shops across over 50 towns across from The Heartlands and the border kingdoms. I use all of those shops and caravans for spying and funding. My point is don't start trouble with the big kids until you get your fingers dirty with some of the little-fish.
I use Simulacrums, Golems and Leadership feats for an army, and I've recruited PC's with various assassination skills that will eventually cause problems if they want to earn there fees. I will always use diplomatic means to avoid a fight to claim something, because sometimes an open hand is faster than a sword. (Although I am also using Leadership, Extra Followers, Epic Leadership and going to take Legendary Commander Feat) so I have access to feats your DM might not let you use.
Also since there are so many of you make multiple staging grounds so you always have something going on until you are ready to take something as yours. I've placed footing in about of 3rd of the realms, and placed Simulacrums with a permanent telepathic bond between groups of 10 to keep in contact so I can keep ever updated. It is the perfect spy network.
Making allies with Luskan could be iffy since they will be one of your most difficult challenges to overcome.
Edit: Forgot to mention I wouldn't minding hearing some of your ideas in exchange for some of my deeper thoughts on what I'm playing on doing.

BiosTheo |
Starting in the in the Border Kingdoms is actually not a bad idea and something I hadn't yet considered. Considering the regional instability it would be easy to start a kingdom there in order to solidify the nation without drawing to much attention.
However, starting in the Border Kingdoms does raise one issue in my head. The region is not very large. While it has good recourses, due to its instability, it has never had a stable population. So the question is, where to go from there? The majority of the Kingdoms surrounding the Border Kingdoms are pretty solidly based, although a marine expedition to somewhere else would not be beyond reason considering the Inner Sea. Perhaps an invasion of Thay (it would be a tough nut to crack but nobody is going to look twice or interfere with you taking over. Hell, you could probably even talk some of it's neighbors into helping.)
The only reason I started off in the Sword Coast region (truly the Silver Marches) was because thats where our DM placed our starting village. I could probably get my party to move to the Border Kingdoms, but just in case, any further thoughts on the Sword Coast?
As for the idea of making a large trade circuit for spys thats a great idea. However, if you start up a Kingdom as the monarch instead of using a figurehead your caravans will be easy marks for those who are your enemies and also considered spys for those who are leery of you. If you have high enough Charisma and good enough Diplomacy it would be be beyond reason to set up a NPC figurehead.
By the way, where are you pulling the extended feats from (Extra Followers, Epic Leadership, and Legendary Commander). Generally, if I can show my DM something from somewhere 'official' Pathfinder then he usually allows it (he is pretty lenient).

8 Red Wizards |
My character is a Half-Fiend Human Red Wizard of Thay (we still use LA, because we don't see a problem with it in our group. It lets people play powerful races when others don't want to. Although you can buy off your LA.) Which I've bought off my LA.
I picked the boarder kingdoms because East to South East is the The Shaar a land of barbarians and other barbaric races there are some gold Dwarves far away, but Calimshan is close by but non of the major cities are near you. Also the Lake of Steam is a good secondary spot to go after second.
I'm trying to get friendly with Calimshan at the moment also.
My shops are run by NPCs with Simulacrum oversight, because 1 character does not have the ability to plan world domination, direct evil forces and deal with over 50 full time jobs. I've set a ranking system from my player's so they can enjoy some of the domination and promised them oversights to territories under my leadership.
Epic Leadership and Legendary Commander came from Epic handbook, and Extra Followers came from Heroes of Battle which are 3.X feats.
I use DMG 2 rules to run my business, and since my character is never really present I lose some money. Although I make enough to sleep well at night. My Caravan business is done through teleportation which is almost an unknown to anyone.