My PCs


Last night, my players rolled up their characters. I don't have in depth backgrounds yet, but I know races and classes.

Half-orc Ranger (Spell-less, from Open Design)
Human Cleric of Torag
Human Fighter
Human Druid (with Tiger Companion)
Half-elf Oracle of the Wind
Human Paladin

Is the lack of Arcane magic going to be something I have to watch out for? It also looks like they are going to have to be creative about finding and disabling traps, if/when they come up.

Any other things I should take into consideration?



Lantern Lodge

Lack of Arcane won't hurt your players really. As for traps, they aren't really that plentiful as dungeons aren't a huge part of this AP.

Yeah, between the Cleric, Druid, and Oracle they'll be fine for Magic. Someone between the three of them will be able to do nearly anything an arcanist would, especially if they take the absence into account when the Oracle picks his spells known and the other two memorize.

Nobody in that group is particularly squishy either, so I imagine they'll do just fine. The Druid and Ranger will be having field days with all the wilderness stuff in the first three books, too.

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

There's a mini dungeon with a trap that can make things a little hairy in book 2 (cairn wight one) for those without good perception to spot the trap, but nothing big on disabling in KM thus far.

The only other notable trap I can think of is in book 3, and it can't be disabled or disarmed by a rogue anyway. You either need someone with really high Strength (or really lucky rolls) or a caster.

The water trap in Vordakai's lair - the door must either be forced with a Strength check or manipulated with spells like stone shape.

Lantern Lodge

If they can't make a perception check they deserve to trigger that trap.

And I got a text yesterday that the fighter wants to change to a Magus. So we'll have a little bit of arcane magic.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

My group is going to be a magus, a cavalier or fighter, and an archer druid or ranger (with a roc companion). So maybe 2 animal companions.

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