RotRL Sin and Virtue Table

Rise of the Runelords

Anyone know if there is a Sin and Virtue table like in the RotRL Anniversary Edition that I can't print from the interwebs? Having trouble finding one and to lazy to create my own.

I haven't seen one online, but with Excel or a Table in MS Word it should take less than 3 minutes to create one.

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Pathfinder - PC Sin and Virtue Point Table

Little odd that this resources hasn't been created in over 4 years. O.o

Thank you Bryan. I'm about to restart my campaign and this is something I'd been looking for for a long time.

Slightly off topic, but what are the runes for lust, wrath, and pride supposed to represent pictorially? I think I can make out the others (envy=eye, gluttony=arms full person, greed=hand with jewel, sloth=person reclining) but not those ones.

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