A question of CR

Homebrew and House Rules

I'm not entirely sure what the challenge rating for something I'm tossing into my next game session should be, so I'm wondering if you lovely folks could provide some insight.

I've made a mithral rat swarm - ie hordes of rats, transmuted into mithral, and now swarming.

So, the basic CR2 rat swarm gains the following:
Construct traits
Immunity to magic that allows spell resistance
Increased hit dice to 10d10 (roughly 50ish HP in this case)
Distraction DC increased to 18
Damage dealt increased to 2d6
Lost the Disease special attack

Any ideas about CR?

Also, I'd rather replace Distraction with something that seems more applicable to hordes of tiny metal creatures piling on top of someone, but things like Crush and Trample still don't seem to fit right.

Any thoughts?

Well CR of 10HD Construct should be CR 8
Well HP of 50ish is CR 5
Well DC 18 Distraction is CR 8 or CR 9 so CR 8.5
Well Damage of 12 is about CR 3

If you add those factor up you get 24.5 and dived by 4 mean 6.125, So with the given data I would say CR 6.

Any time you make monster check it vs the table given on this like to judge your self.


Ahhh, thank you.

I was ball parking for CR 8 (hence the HD and the save DC) - but wasn't sure whether it should be more or less than that. I never thought about adding it up and dividing.


Even with table you may need to use it a few times to truely judge the CR. It just a rough guilde

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