Paper Minis -Carrion Crown


Any plans for Carrion Crown paper minis?

Webstore Gninja Minion

Plans, certainly! No set date for those plans though. :)

Alright well, at least one person is waiting breathlessly!

Scarab Sages

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps Subscriber

Make that two...though I have been waiting for the completion of the LOF set for what is probably years too.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber
sanwah68 wrote:
Make that two...though I have been waiting for the completion of the LOF set for what is probably years too.

I too have waited a long time for the paper minis to be finished for LoF.

Liz Courts wrote:
Plans, certainly! No set date for those plans though. :)

Aw :(. Very much like the paper minis and our group is about to start...


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Well, my group has just finished the Haunting of Harrowstone, and I have put my paper minis that I created for the module on our group site -
they are in the files section.
As my group finishes each module, I will then add the minis for that module. I hope everyone likes them!!

Nice minis, alginon. They'll be great for our group. We're about to start CC in a few weeks.

alginon wrote:

Well, my group has just finished the Haunting of Harrowstone, and I have put my paper minis that I created for the module on our group site -
they are in the files section.
As my group finishes each module, I will then add the minis for that module. I hope everyone likes them!!

Any chance of uploading these minis again? Cant seem to find them on the link you posted.


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