Grifta |

One of my party members is on the opposite side of a hostile ancient city. He is sleeping in a friendly camp (missed the previous session) and free to leave at any time. However, in-game time is a factor so we are thinking up options to meet up with him quickly.
So, I (I play a teleportation specialist wizard) would like to know, is there is spell that could teleport/summon/call a willing ally to me?
It doesn't matter what level or class, I'm just wondering if it exists.
Thank you in advance.

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One of my party members is on the opposite side of a hostile ancient city. He is sleeping in a friendly camp (missed the previous session) and free to leave at any time. However, in-game time is a factor so we are thinking up options to meet up with him quickly.
So, I (I play a teleportation specialist wizard) would like to know, is there is spell that could teleport/summon/call a willing ally to me?
It doesn't matter what level or class, I'm just wondering if it exists.
Thank you in advance.
Closest thing there is, is a clerical spell that creates a token you can give a person to either summon you to him, or him to you. Nothing in the wizard category though, besides wish magic.

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The spell I was thinking of was 3.5 Succorm but there IS a spell that's a wizard option.
School conjuration (teleportation); Level cleric/oracle 7, sorcerer/wizard 9, witch 9; Domain community 7, liberation 7
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M (a prepared object worth 1,500 gp)
Range touch
Target object touched
Duration permanent until discharged
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no
When you cast this spell, you create powerful magic in a specially prepared object. This object contains the power to instantly transport its possessor across any distance within the same plane to your abode. Once the item is so enhanced, you must give it willingly to a creature and at the same time inform it of a command word to be spoken when the item is used. To make use of the item, the subject speaks the command word at the same time that it rends or breaks the item (a standard action). When this is done, the individual and all objects it is wearing and carrying (to a maximum of the character's heavy load) are instantly transported to your abode. No other creatures are affected (aside from a familiar or animal companion that is touching the subject).
You can alter the spell when casting it so that it transports you to within 10 feet of the possessor of the item when it is broken and the command word spoken. You will have a general idea of the location and situation of the item possessor at the time the refuge spell is discharged, but once you decide to alter the spell in this fashion, you have no choice whether or not to be transported.

Troubleshooter |

So you're probably not going to like casting two teleport without errors either.
I believe there is a spell you can cast on an item that will recall it to your hand once triggered. Cast this on a small item enchanted with an extradimensional space that is capable of holding a creature. As long as your passenger keeps it on his person and can communicate with you, he could send you a message that he's ready to go, climb inside the space and stay inside until you recall the object to your location.
Unfortunately, that too probably requires some amount of forethought. I have a suspicion that your particular set of constraints (one spell, limited level, no planning required) may be unworkable.

Tiny Coffee Golem |

This came to mind
Bracelet of Friends
Aura strong conjuration; CL 15th
Slot wrists; Price 19,000 gp; Weight —
This silver charm bracelet has four charms upon it when created. The owner may designate one person known to him to be keyed to each charm. (This designation takes a standard action, but once done it lasts forever or until changed.) When a charm is grasped and the name of the keyed individual is spoken, that person is called to the spot (a standard action) along with his gear, as long as the owner and the called person are on the same plane. The keyed individual knows who is calling, and the bracelet of friends only functions on willing travelers. Once a charm is activated, it disappears. Charms separated from the bracelet are worthless. A bracelet found with fewer than four charms is worth 25% less for each missing charm.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item , refuge ; Cost 9,500 gp

skrahen |

Signifer's Rally
School: Conjuration
Subschool: Teleportation
Spell Level: cleric/oracle 7, sorcerer/wizard 7
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S, M (100 gp worth of bloodstone for every ally teleported)
Range: medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Duration: instantaneous
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: yes (harmless)
Targets: one willing ally/5 levels
Source: Cheliax, Empire Of Devils
You teleport up to one ally per five caster levels to your location.
You determine which allies you want to teleport at the time of casting; these allies have 1 round to decide to allow or refuse your spell, and they teleport immediately upon accepting. Allies are teleported as if you had cast teleport on them (your current location is at least "studied carefully" for this purpose), appearing in a puff of brimstone in a space adjacent to you. If you are in combat and your allies were not, your allies may roll initiative upon arrival but are not considered flat-footed even though they have not taken any actions. The spell does not function in areas warded against intrusion by evil creatures (such as a magic circle against evil effect).
Edit: just noticed how short the range is...

Troubleshooter |

Probably because you can wait until an enemy has acted, walk next to them then cast signifer's rally to scoop your 3-4 allies out of dangerous positions and place them in Full Attack range of an enemy you've marked for death.
Casting round after round, a lot of creatures would be powerless against being Full Attacked each round. This trick is the bigger brother of using dimension door as a fighter-delivery-platform, since it works on the whole party.
Bard's escape is another spell with a similar effect. Although it operates more like dimension door, you can place your allies in any square within range -- wonderful not only for setting up flanking positions, but allowing the party ranged combatants to keep their distance, and for you to deliver your party members to the enemy without being close to the enemy yourself.