
Rules Questions

Silver Crusade

Where can I find out how many feats a character of level 1 gets to begin with?

Grand Lodge

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In the core rulebook.

Grand Lodge

Table: Character Advancement and Level-Dependent Bonuses

Also read the description for your chosen race and class to see if they give you any bonus feats.

(Yes, Paizo have put the rules for character generation and advancement on the Web for free.)

Silver Crusade

In short:

  • All characters get one starting feat.
  • If your character is a human, you get another feat, chosen freely as long as you meet the prerequisites.
  • You get another feat, selectable from a class-specific list, if your character is a Fighter or a Monk.
  • Some other classes give specific feats for free at first level.

The above assumes that you don't take any exotic options that replace the default class/race bonuses, but as you seem to be new to Pathfinder, you probably shouldn't do that anyway.

Silver Crusade

I made a dwarf cleric and hes level 1. I was wondering how many feats he would start with. So would he just start with 1 or would he get more?




He gets 1.


Darnit, Ashram, you ruined my Spoiler! =P

Silver Crusade

But where does it say he gets so many feats and at what level he gets more?

The second post answers your question.

Silver Crusade

I can't find the page number in the core rule book. I read feats on page 112 and it doesn't mention exactly what each class gets but says to check classes for individual class feats and I don't see clerics getting any so is the 1 feat the standard number and if your class has written it gets other bonus feats then you are lucky and get those too?

poundpuppy30 wrote:
But where does it say he gets so many feats and at what level he gets more?

Can you not read your Core Rulebook at the moment? If not, look at Jussi Leinonen's post. It sums it up.

You get:

1 feat at 1st level, regardless of race (Listed in the "Using This Book" section of the Core Rulebook)
1 bonus feat, if you are human (Listed under Human in the Races chapter of Core Rulebook)
1 bonus feat for being a monk or fighter, plus a bonus feat progression for either class. Some classes grant bonus feats, read that classes description for clarification.

poundpuppy30 wrote:
I can't find the page number in the core rule book. I read feats on page 112 and it doesn't mention exactly what each class gets but says to check classes for individual class feats and I don't see clerics getting any so is the 1 feat the standard number and if your class has written it gets other bonus feats then you are lucky and get those too?

Feat progression is on page 30 of the Core Rulebook, under Character Advancement.

And yes, for the millionth time, a dwarven cleric would get 1.

Grand Lodge

Core Rulebook page 30.

Silver Crusade

Would have been easier if someone said page 30.

Grand Lodge

It's in the Table of Contents, in the beginning of the book.

I love the Table of Contents. It's how I find things.


*quietly pulls BBT aside and mentions that the Index is in the back of the book, and the Table of Contents is what's in the front*


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