Feat questions

Rules Questions

Shadow Lodge

If you level you character and you take a feat and realize that is not the right feat, but not realize it until you are in the your first game of the that level getting that feat, do you have to keep it the same or is it ok to switch? I am talking Pathfinder Society play.

According to RAW rules once the game starts it can not be changed, but they are bringing a new book out soon that will allow you to retrain.

Dark Archive

As far as I'm aware, you are not allowed to change your feats past level 1 (and only between games, not during one) in Pathfinder Society games.

My number one suggestion is make sure you carefully read everything you take, in order to make sure it's actually what you want.

Shadow Lodge

Ok Thanks and i May have to look in that book!

Although, it should be noted that fighters can retrain their fighter bonus feats (at 4th level and every 4 levels thereafter). They are the only exception that I'm aware of off-hand.

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