Ninja lightstep vs. tremorsense

Rules Questions

Is there any official word on whether or not the monks lifestyle ability negates a creatures remorseless ability? If anybody could link it I would be grateful.

Wow. Autocracy went nuts. It was supposed to be a ninjas lightstep ability v a creatures tremorsense

And autocracy = Autocorrect :(

Grand Lodge

lawls for everything up to now!

I see why your asking but Light steps says nothing about negating tremor sense, and Tremor Sense say they automatically pinpoint things touching the ground.

However if I was DMing and I was asked if it would work I'd probably give them a chance to stealth around the tremor sense.

I would second wyrmholez on the perception check myself. However, seeing as it negates location-based triggers, at least while moving I could see it negating tremor sense as well, seeing as it is essentially a location based trigger for detection (location being anywhere in the radius of the creature's tremor sense ability).

That said, the first round that the ninja stops using full round actions to make use of light steps they would be pinpointed.

Boots of the soft step

I'm going to have to go with it not disallowing tremor sense. A druid archetype has a 3rd level skill that specifically negates tremor sense. I have to believe that if paizo meant for light step to negate tremorsense, they would have included it in the skill explanation.

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