Captain Sir Hexen Ineptus |
Well it has been a LONG time coming on this one, the game seems to be about ENTIRELY re-built from the ground up and the first rounds of Beta have already began.
Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn
I was a big FFXI player, and while I did distant myself form that game due to City of Heroes, some of my favorite character concepts come from that game.
Apparently there is a lot riding on this game due to its near re-construction and 3 additional years of production. I just hope we don't have another A:CM on our hands with the time spent on the game.
Also there is the PS4 to consider, as this game was produced for the PS3 and already has an apparent release date for the PS3 at Gamestop. I hope with the up-coming PS4 that the graphics will have a boost over the original 2010 version in the re-make.
Has anyone made it into the 1st round beta? I would love to hear what you thought.
Captain Sir Hexen Ineptus |
I have been hearing stories about the class system.
I know originally it was that you just switched weapons and you were a different class?
The rumor I heard, that I can't substantiate, was that they are going in the opposite direction from XI, you will have to level in specific classes to unlock the more advanced classes like in Tactics.
Do you, or anyone else hear/know about this games class system? Has it changed?
Sean FitzSimon |
I have been hearing stories about the class system.
I know originally it was that you just switched weapons and you were a different class?
The rumor I heard, that I can't substantiate, was that they are going in the opposite direction from XI, you will have to level in specific classes to unlock the more advanced classes like in Tactics.
Do you, or anyone else hear/know about this games class system? Has it changed?
This is both correct and incorrect, lol.
The system has two forms of "classes." You've got jobs, which are essentially classes that are designed for solo experiences. These are switched by switching your weapon. Then you've got classes, which are unlocked by achieving certain levels in the jobs. Classes are based on the party dynamic and thus fill a traditional role.
AlricLightwind |
I was in day one of the original launch of 14 and was soooo disappointed. But from what I've seen first hand of what Yoshi-P did with the game during it's super-extended free trial and from what I read on the changes he made when SquareEnix started charging again up until the epic "last battle" I have no doubts it'll relaunch a great new game.
Honestly, Yoshi-P deserves an award for the way he was able to turn 1.0 into something even remotely playable, and another for having the cojones to scrap the original engine and start over from scratch.
And concerning the PS4, it's been stated the new game engine is scaleable so with a little tweaking it will be ready for PS4, but their concentration is on the PS3 since they promised it would be available there.
Sean FitzSimon |
@Captain: From my understanding the game has greatly expanded on the core system they introduced when it first launched, but the basics are still there. Swap your weapon, swap your job, and you can equip certain abilities from other classes. That's the real limitation of the Class system (the party based jobs)- they can only equip abilities from specific jobs, where-as regular jobs have the full range of options.
MrSin |
Having played in the original failed launch a few years back, the changes and improvements are light and day. It's a very enjoyable game this time around and I can see it doing pretty well if support and content keeps flowing.
Wonderful! I remember its release too. That was an abysmal experience. I'm really looking forward to seeing the new game's release. Most MMO's tend to be hit or miss I think, so I always look forward to a new one and hope it'll be successful and one of the few I can really get into.
I'm a little worried its initial reception will have been too awful for the new game to launch, but me and several friends are looking forward to it so I'm sure there's interest.(Also, Male miqo'te. Righteous!)
Josh M. |
Also there is the PS4 to consider, as this game was produced for the PS3 and already has an apparent release date for the PS3 at Gamestop. I hope with the up-coming PS4 that the graphics will have a boost over the original 2010 version in the re-make.
I wouldn't worry about this too much. I played FFXI on 360, and that game was really just a PS2 port. The 360 version of the game smoothed out the graphics a great deal, compared to the PS2, but was otherwise the same game.
I haven't seen if a version of FFXIV is being made for the PS4(since it does not seem to be backwards compatible to run a PS3 version), but even then, Sony has a track record of continuing to support previous generation consoles long into the life of the next gen. They were still making PS2 games for several years after the PS3 was released(might still be for all I know).
So, good news if you have a PS3 already, but otherwise, don't count on playing it on PS4 I guess?
Getting a better view of the game as of late. It is looking like a lot of fun. Just wish the Dark Knight gets added fast, as that is about the only class I am superbly interested in.
I'm right there with ya! I was a DRK main for years. Later traded off to RDM and WAR mains after Abyssea came out(and DRK became nigh useless).
Surren Starr |
You'll definitely be able to play it on the PS4, Sony confirmed this back on the 12th of June.
Though I'd expect most likely as a downloaded PS3 title.
Here's Sony's announcement about FFXIV on the PS4: coming-to-playstation-4-plus-the-e3-trailer/
Square Enix probably aren't going to do any work on improving graphics for the new console (unless they're doing it pre-launch) as it cuts far too much into the team's work time which could be better spent working on fixes and new content.
Maybe down the line a high-res update may be on the tables, but I'd say it's at the bottom of the priority list at the moment.
Captain Sir Hexen Ineptus |
On Diabolos NA sever. Up to 41 now in Warrior and already getting flack for not playing a Paladin.
Working on Armor Smithing and Mining.
In hindsight, best progression for long-term game is this:
Look up the job you want, each should have a requirement of a Primary and Secondary Class as well as the proper craft for that class's equipment.
1. Level Secondary to 15
2. Level Primary to 30.
3/4. Botanist and Weaving to 50
5. Gather Class for Craft 50
6. Craft to 50
7. Primary class from 30-50
This is insane and I know it, but hear me out.
*You want to get your class job and you are going to need to get to other nations to get that. All you need is to get to level 15 for that which happens is the level requirement for your sub-class for any job.
*You want to get to 30 to get both a job and to get your chocobo to fight with you (An unlock quest).
*You always want botany so you can get your own materials for Weaving, but Weaving will get you better clothing for craft and gathering. Taking turns with this might be best, but favoring Weaving might be best.
*Now that you have all nifty gather and craft gear and make more your own, you can turn them into Materia to improve a new set of clothing for what ever craft you really need. Level up the gather skill for this desired craft and follow with the craft.
*Finish story with primary class.
Surren Starr |
Yes, still playing and very much enjoying the experience.
The fact that all your characters are open to explore all classes and jobs allows for it to be very easy to stay interested with trying new things out.
It becomes a bit of a grinding game when you've completed the story quests and start levelling up other classes; you'll find yourself constantly rushing around in large groups to the semi-random FATEs) as most other activities don't come close for experience point values.
Though the game is still young so there's plenty of rebalancing to be done for the various methods of levelling a character.
Thankfully I've found a lot of the repeatable content to be be enjoyable.
Having done a few characters now, if you're someone who's after an optimised multi-class levelling experience then I'd highly recommend only doing the main story quests in your first class and levelling the rest of that class with dungeons, exploring and FATEs.
The reason I say this is because once you have one class to level 50, all other classes get a bonus to experience gains when completing quests and killing creatures... so by leaving the non-story quests to those alternate classes you are able to level them up a fair bit quicker.
If you're after a roleplay group, Shiva is another good server (European) for roleplay. I've easily met in the range of 70-80 people who actively act out their lives in the game.
MrSin |
I started playing a week ago, still formin an opinion. I like what I've seen so far, though I'm still confused on the "everyone can do everything" aspect. That's kind of a letdown for me, as I suspect it will be in EQNext.
Everyone can do everything? Talking about class change? Takes a while to kick in because it had a level requirement last I checked, but I think its nice to have one character for all your classes instead of 10 different ones. Been a while since I played the game though.
Captain Sir Hexen Ineptus |
I started playing a week ago, still formin an opinion. I like what I've seen so far, though I'm still confused on the "everyone can do everything" aspect. That's kind of a letdown for me, as I suspect it will be in EQNext.
Identity of the character right now comes in on where you spend your time. You probably can't have a character that has everything and max levels in everything. Later on you will see things like what we see now with the arcanist, each class will probably get a job using a different primary statistic. In this example case, we have on job requiring intellect and another requiring mind. The stat progression is tied to the class, not the job, so you have to decide which you want to favor, as they have set up the bonuses so that if you put 15 in each stat (out of the 30 total you get), you will be cheating yourself a bit. Most say go 10 in one and 20 in the other, or just go all out with 30 in one and ignore the other.
In short you will not be able to be perfect at everything, but can do everything.
Also, I am working on crafting and gathering, and I am running out of space. Doing multiple gathering types, your going to find yourself ether going out and getting exactly what you need from gathering every time, giving up and buying it at the moment, or making an alternate JUST to do the gathering.
Captain Sir Hexen Ineptus |
Just got my crafting classes max! Took a lot of work, time, money (gil), and effort, but I am not a mastercrafter. Very happy XD
Now the biggest problem, what am I supposed to do with all of these level 50 crafting abilities. I need to find out a crafting rotation. I tend to be rather reckless; I use Hasty Touch and Rapid Synthesis.
I use Waste Not to get more tries, and Rumination to get even more tries after the free tries.
The idea is to maximize tries to get Rumination to give more CP. Now that I have Waste Not II, I am not sure what to do with it. Waste Not worked well with Steady Hand II. Use Steady Hand II first followed by Waste not gets you 4 rounds of both; very nice and orderly.
Guess I need to think about this more and look into other suggestions.