First Level Feat for a Rhinoceros


Sovereign Court

Hey, all. I'm playing a Wildshape-focused Druid in an upcoming campaign, and I've decided I want a Rhinoceros as an animal companion. Here's what I've got so far for his feats:

1st: ?
2nd: Power Attack
3rd: Cleave
4th: Improved Natural Attack
5th: Vital Strike

For 1st, I was looking at three possibilities: Toughness, Light Armor Proficiency, and Improved Natural Armor. Which do you guys think is best? Also, Mage Armor can be cast on a rhino, right?

PS: Expecting to have a good time rolling Vital Strike with Strong Jaw, Improved Natural Attack, and Animal Growth at higher levels. ^_^

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

I would go with Improved Natural Armor... having more armor will be useful through all levels, whereas Toughness will become less and less relevant as you level up.

Sovereign Court

That assumes I can Mage Armor too, right? If I can't, I feel like Light Armor Proficiency gets a lot more bang for your buck (especially since light armor can be enchanted). There's no rule against a druid's animal companion wearing metal armor, is there? I kind of dig the idea of riding around with an armored tank as my buddy.

Oh, and now that I think about it, isn't Dodge going to be better than Improved Natural Armor, too? (Since its +1 to AC applies in more situations)

Scarab Sages

Armor proficiency: light.

Far larger AC boost than improved natural armor. Eventually you can enchant it.

And yes, dodge is better than INA. It adds to CMD as well as armor.

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There's really only one choice: Skill focus, stealth.
No one see's the ninja rhino coming until its too late!

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Another point is if you take armor proficiency light you can later take armor proficiency medium and possibly heavy. I just imagine a rhino in full plate barding while dealing insane damage and It makes me smile.

Sovereign Court

Like I said - armored tank. :P Now, the real question is, how many ranks in Climb do you need for a rhino to get up a ladder?

Scarab Sages

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You laugh

I had a triceratops AC climb a cliff after all the PC's failed.


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Intimidating Prowess. I would be imtimidated by a charging Rhino.

Weapon Focus or Improved Natural Attack. Might as well get started on the important stuff.

Liberty's Edge

I did the same thing for my kobold druid's animal companion. It is a crocodile he rides into battle.

Unless I'm missing something, RAW does not prohibit your companion from wearing metal armor. Light armor prof. was waaaay better than improved natural armor. So far my best tactic is to ride croc into battle, fight mounted for a round or so, dismount, buff the croc, and let him death roll to completely occupy the baddie while I help the rest of the party with buffs or whatnot

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Nimble Rhino is nimble.

Liberty's Edge

Rynjin wrote:


Nimble Rhino is nimble.

Literally laughed out loud. That rarely happens.

Silver Crusade

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I have no input here other than to say the title of this thread made me grin.

Carry on.

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