most popular race for arcane duelist?


Looking to optimize looking for advice no 3pp stuff.

Conundrum wrote:
Looking to optimize looking for advice no 3pp stuff.

Check it out.

Arcane Duelist

There is one tiny 3PP thing included because its just such a perfect fit, but if your GM is dead set against it, just select another item to bond and go with a two-handed weapon.

Depends what you want.

If you want to deal damage I'd look at half-orc or half-elf or tengu. Getting proficiency in something you can use two handed that has an 18-20 or 19-20x3 crit range is good.

If you want to tank you'll probably stick with rapier and pick up a shield and human is the way to go for the extra feat.

If you want to be an archer elf or half-elf will get you a smidge more damage and a longer range increment, but human is probably the way to go again for that extra feat.

Was tinkering with a halfling with dervish dance but seemed to take too long to develop originally liked half orc and half elf but wanted too much fr either one and.couldnt fit all of it into either one.

The one thing you want as a duelist is martial weapons, esp a two hander.

Urist The Unstoppable wrote:
The one thing you want as a duelist is martial weapons, esp a two hander.

I know that statement is right, but it feels wrong hearing it out loud.

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