Rise of the Darklord Campaign


Hey, guys!

New-to-PbP GM here, looking for a group of solid RPers who will have some patience with me while I get used to running through this site and medium.

Posting on my part will be admittedly slow, twice a month on average. More if I can, but my internet access is somewhat limited at the moment.

All Paizo books are allowed; no third-party at this time. Races from the ARG must be approved by the GM before play.

No NE or CE alignment; must be 'Heroic'. This means you can play LE, but when the peasant village is in danger of being destroyed, you should still have reason to step up and save the village (even if it's a simple reason such as wanting to rule over them).

Epic Hero point-buy as per the Core Rulebook (25 points), 2 traits. Max starting gold as per your class.

*Special Note: Alchemists, gunslingers, and summoners. Get in touch with me if you want to play one of these; they're allowed, you'll just need some extra background work with me.

to clarify: this is NOT Rise of the Runelords, right?

IejirIsk wrote:
to clarify: this is NOT Rise of the Runelords, right?

Correct. I kinda feel everyone knows what to expect for Rise of the Runelords, at this point.

Since you're new to PbP maybe you don't realize... The average GM or player posts once a day. And it still takes (usually) months to get a single book of an AP done. Especially if you have a group of solid RPers.

Posting twice a month? That's dropping in to say hello. No way you could run a real game. People would lose interest by the third time you posted.

Don't want to make it sound like I'm taking a poo on your idea, it's just not logistically feasible.

Yeah, take take what dunebugg said a little farther. In combat the GM has to respond every round, and it usually takes all day for the players to post their actions in a round. That would be one round of combat that takes half a month. In Council of Thieves, it took 3 weeks to get past one section, with everyone posting every day. 3 weeks, to recreate what could have been accomplished in one real life session.

Now if you meant twice a week, that may work, but it still would be slow. High frequency of posting is the rules of the game when it comes to PBP. The faster everyone responds, the faster it can get done.

Sorry man. However, there is a large turnover in fast moving games, maybe some people could actually handle twice a month. It will still takes years to get anywhere though.

It's all good; and you're right. I was concerned about that, to be honest; but without experience, I wasn't sure. So for now, I'll close down this thread and just wait until I have more reliable internet access.


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