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Well met on the road, fellow play by posters.
I'm a very experienced PFRPG player who's been stuck as perma-gm for a long time. I'm currently running a kingmaker game that's well into its second year of weekly meetings. I've also been pretty active as a GM for our local Society group. I'm looking to join a pbp campaign to get some play time in on the other side of the screen.
I'm looking to play in any adventure path save Kingmaker (I know way too much plot to make that plausible). I would be extra interested in a skull and shackles campaign, but will eagerly join others as well. My only request is that the group be dedicated to going the distance in the campaign.
I delight in making characters that are mechanically well put together, and can tailor power level to match the rest of the group. I also love in-depth roleplay and being a part of a group that grows characters together. Some of the character concepts I've wanted to play: pistol-slinging paladin of Erastil who travels the world bringing Ol' Deadeye's support to needy communities; bumbling halfling summoner who flunked mage college by accidentally summoning an eilodon instead of summon monster 1; tiefling magus/dd who was bred and built by a cult of demon and dragon worshipping heretics then turned loose upon the world; creepy voodoo half-orc hexcrafter shaman with bad manners and inscrutable purpose... And on and on. I have a rather large store of ideas that I would love to weave into your game.
I am available to post multiple times per day, and am located in US Eastern time.
Thank you for your consideration.

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Hi, and well met to you as well. I am about to look over my Rise of the Runelords Aniversary ed. and see about converting it to PbP. I do not use maps, my PbP games are all Theater of the Mind. I am an experianced GM in role-playing in general, and have done PbPs on these boards on and off for a while now. Feel free to look into some of my past games to see if you like my style, and if so I hope to see your name when I do post my game.

lexibean |

Nice to see more new people showing up, I was scared I was the only one!
Seems like you'd be a fun person to play with ... as the girl who runs Pathfinder for everyone else I know, I've turned to PbP for a similar reason.
On that note, I agree! Skulls and Shackles! Less RotR! :)
I hope you find what you're looking for, and we get to play some time!

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Hey, all. I'm in a similar boat to Red Ramage. Currently running a Kingmaker, looking for some game-time on the side. I have lots of ideas for characters that I could play, both anti-maxed (Ex: Orc Wizard) and regular-powerful (Ex: Goblin Rogue). I'm currently running a Kingmaker game, so I would probably be a bad candidate for that. I also have the anniversary edition of RotRL, so I may not be a great candidate for that one, but any of the others would be fun, or I'm cool with homebrew. Skull and Shackles looks like an interesting AP, if there's still interest in playing one.

Agreus Vell |

Hello all, I am new to the PFRPG scene but have most of the basics down. I don't know every stat all the terminology, but I am looking to get started somewhere... ANYwhere. Online, tabletop, it doesn't matter. I have the books I need, but reading the books and playing the game are different.I am in the Pacific Northwest(WA) and I'm available to post throughout the day.

jamie noone |

If a GM comes along, I'd love to play Skull & Shackles (or Carrion Crown or Reign of Winter or Serpent's Skull or Kingmaker...). I've tried GMing before, and I know it takes more time than I have for the foreseeable future. But I've been an active contributor in the games I've been playing in for the last 2+ years (though only one of them has lasted as long).

Doomed Hero |

Shamelessly plugging my PBP guide...
Welcome to the recruitment boards, Rampage.
There's usually 5-10 games openly recruiting at any given point. Check them out, see if they sound like games you'd enjoy, and pitch a character concept to the GM.
It might take you a few tries before you get picked. Try not to get discouraged.
Good luck!

IejirIsk |

Yea, Doomed's guide is a good one. So many other games I wanna ask to join... but think I in my max at the moment (3... 2 playing [well, 1 playing, 1 standby] and trying to dm)
Yea, I enjoy building characters (and now have to change most now that I saw a key difference i didnt before from 3.5->pf... grumble) and backstories are fun to read/learn/adapt/*yoink*

baldwin the merciful |

Doomed's Guide is excellent. Actually taught me the rules, plus I'm in game with him. I have three games that I GM on the board.
One is in an active recruitment process it's Rappan Athuk, which is not obviously an AP, so that may not be what you are looking for right now. It will be a bit combat heavy but there will be character development and RP opportunities.
I have an ongoing CoT game,we are about to begin book 4, and there's plenty of character development along with several side plots. It's quite active posting we are nearing 15,500 posts in less than 10 months time. We have seven players and just lost one. I may look for another player, if they can keep up.