Fighting Festival 2013 reposting the new slightly adjust rule set


I changed the rules a little I'm still looking to get 32 people, but as soon as I get 12 than I'm setting a time right now I'm still at 4/12.

32 challengers, 5th level, 32 PB, Max hp first
Books: Core, APG, Ultimate Combat/Magic/Equipment, ARG, 1 archetype limit (so no Quigong/Sensei or whatever?),

Limitation: full rd action to "summon" mount/animal companion, familiar into fight

Special variant: Dueling and spell dueling rules in place (immediate action parries and counterspells)

Duel counters/dodge:
Wealth: as level 5 character
Note: End of match victor get 1 level and 1 piece of equipment off fallen enemy, and gold to upgrade.
Background of character, possible video story of character?
Include tactics/special move/contingencies.

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I will be running the fights so I ask if you have a special tactics/contigencies to include it.

crafting rules: Use FAQ benefit that crafting feats count WBL for crafted items by crafted price not market price.

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