One sword for almost everything at a price.

Homebrew and House Rules

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Maps, Rulebook, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Come on down A new idea everyday!

I was playing Pathfinder and thought, why not change whatever damage type a weapon does at a cost?

The possible Sword-+2 magic enhancement-radiates mild evocation-as a swift action, you may sacrifice 1/8 of your total hit points and choose acid, fire, cold, electricity, sonic, force, or necrotic. The weapon now deals damage of that type instead of its normal damage.

Shadow Lodge

Magus blackblade does that without hp sacrifice.

the Energy Aura enchantment from 3.5 just let you pick one type of energy when you made the attack, so long as it wasnt sonic

there was also an enchantment called Mettaline that let you magically change the material your sword was made out of

i once had a +3 bastard sword with both of these enchantments, it was pretty awesome

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