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I am at something of a loss to understand how a character is supposed to be able to advance the goal of Taldor........seriously? Anyone have any ideas? I guess I simply do not comprehend how a character can establish a pro-Taldor system of nobility; short of becoming King of Varisia - but within the limitations of PFS play?

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I am at something of a loss to understand how a character is supposed to be able to advance the goal of Taldor........seriously? Anyone have any ideas? I guess I simply do not comprehend how a character can establish a pro-Taldor system of nobility; short of becoming King of Varisia - but within the limitations of PFS play?
It's quite simple really. All we need to do is convince the extant upper class to align themselves with our grand Empire and generally act more like an aristocracy than a bunch of glorified merchants. I found Magnimar's upper crust to be eminently reasonable to such recommendations, and as a matchmaker, I made several profitable marriage alliances between Taldan noble families and those of Magnimar during my last visit. These should serve to increase our influence in Varisia substantially over the coming years.

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Cordelia, dear - I understand what you are saying, but tell me the story of how you accomplished this, and in what mission? Please, I await your answer with bated breath.
Well, it seemed like an easy mission at first--just get settled in Magnimar for this new Thassilon focus and such. Sheila Heidmarch basically gave us all the day off. I received my letter from Gloriana Morilla as usual, and I found that it was a mission unworthy of her--a poison-gathering escapade that fits the temperament of that awful Jacquo Dalsine better than Lady Morilla's usual style of missions that are actually in Taldor's interest. So I tore the letter up and decided to promote Taldor in my own way. While the oafish Andoren barbarian was having a dinner party and the Qadiran was looking for illegal drugs, I paid a social call to the family in Magnimar that would appreciate my wizardly talents the most. Over tea and shortbread, we discussed the future of Magnimar and I made some suggestions for advantageous political marriages. When I returned home to take a shower, there was a dreadful fright with a goblin stealing our things, and I'm afraid I just can't tell you what corners I had to cut in order to be a part of that chase in a timely fashion. This led to the destruction of a guild of goblin thieves. Surely you heard of my exploits in the chronicles? I entitled that chapter "The Fall of the Goblin Guild."

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Dear Erosthenes, there are many ways to convince those of Varisia of the benefits of a system of nobility similar to what we have within Taldor. Not only must we convince the upper echelons of society, but also those of the working classes as well. While visiting the Green Market in Korvosa, I was able to convince several merchants of the economic benefits of having a Noble class, not only for the coin they spread around, but also as a line of defense for the common man against threats which would be above their station or ability to handle.
One must look to the people and win their hearts and minds in order to convince them of the virtue of our cause, that we are indeed here for our cousins, will aid them as we can to the best of our ability and to show what it truly means to be a noble.