seeking advice on a alchemist barbarian build


Any archtype and 3rd party feats welcome.

I have been kicking the tires on this for my next build. I was thinking Urban Barbarian/ Vivisectionist. You can also take Invulnerable Rager Internal Alchemist and Churigeon with those two archtypes...cause hey why not. Since your losing your full progression in bomb making the bonus damage from sneak attack is just plain more useful, and going urban allows you to still use tactics in combat.

Fluff wise I had this idea where he is a roguish type who stole a manual for alchemy and made some mistakes in the early going. Hense he can now "rage" gaining some of the power of his mutagen...but then he can drink more of it and really hulk up. I was even considering a second mini thats more beefy in size for this second level of power.

Feat wise I would go with two handed weapon feats since you wont get many to begin with. Power attack, Furious Focus, Sunder. Down the line you may want extra rage unless you pick a race that gets you extra rounds a day. Rage powers I was thinking about grabbing the ones that grant you free maneuver attempts like bull rush, sunder and trip. Discoveries go for stuff that buffs your Mutagen and make sure you get access to giant growth as soon as you can. I am picturing Grey Hulk with a giant Earthbreaker on his shoulder.

I am sure there are folks who will send you in a more optomized direction than I am...but I am betting this idea will be wicked fun and there are some fertile grounds for RP as you sort of "stole" your character class.

This conflicts with taking Urban Barbarian, but it appears that the Drunken Brute archetype lets you imbibe an infusion (and possibly a mutagen) as a move action.

I made, but didn't get to play, a Drunken Brute Vivisectionist Master Chymist (turns out the party needed more of an arcane caster, so I made something else). I also went with Extra Rage, but without playtesting I'm not sure how much rage I really needed. I was also trying for the Feral Mutagen route with natural attacks, but I think weapon attacks would do just as well; might as well get some use out of those barbarian proficiencies.

I wish I could find the sheet, as I had it all worked out nicely, but at any rate, I found the combination of barbarian and alchemist to be a really fun juxtaposition. Maybe I should look towards playing this sometime. Looking forward to hearing other people's suggestions.

Fluffwise, for what it's worth, my character was a half orc who was rescued as a child from an orc tribe and raised as a wizard's apprentice. He has always resented and been embarrassed by his orc heritage and acts super intellectual, snooty, and aloof, using big words and flowery language, always quoting from poets, philosophers and scholars.. but he has a tendency to drink, and the more he represses his natural urges, the more frightening they are when they finally come out. It's not his fault that he has to keep alcohol around for use in his dissections and experiments.. what's the harm in a sip or five here or there?

Dark Archive

My first piece of advice is to not do it, because the mix of the two will lead to a high strength eldritch monstrosity that is good at killing things for 10 minutes out of an hour.

My second piece of advice is to come to the Advice forums with parts of a character already formed, because people are a lot more amenable to tweaking than creating for you.

To start you off though:

Archetypes you might like: Beastmorph, Vivisectionist, Invulnerable Rager
Feats you'll want: Power Attack, Extra Discovery, Extra Rage, Extra Rage Power
Discoveries you might like: Feral Mutagen, Infuse Mutagen (depends on how much wealth you typically get in your games and how many alchemist levels you plan on taking)
Rage Powers you will enjoy: Reckless Abandon, Lesser Fiend Totem and the rest of the Fiend Totem line

Sovereign Court

I'll just leave this here for you to look over...

No no no no no no

Do not start this again that Drunken Brute allows you to do anything with Infusions, Extracts or Mutagens

They are completely different than potions

That being said, stacking Vivisectionist / Beastmorph Alchemist and dipping a level into Drunken Brute Barbarian can be very very good.

Your potions on a move action are great mainly due to alchemical allocation.

Dark Archive

Chris P. Bacon wrote:

This conflicts with taking Urban Barbarian, but it appears that the Drunken Brute archetype lets you imbibe an infusion (and possibly a mutagen) as a move action.

I made, but didn't get to play, a Drunken Brute Vivisectionist Master Chymist (turns out the party needed more of an arcane caster, so I made something else). I also went with Extra Rage, but without playtesting I'm not sure how much rage I really needed. I was also trying for the Feral Mutagen route with natural attacks, but I think weapon attacks would do just as well; might as well get some use out of those barbarian proficiencies.

I wish I could find the sheet, as I had it all worked out nicely, but at any rate, I found the combination of barbarian and alchemist to be a really fun juxtaposition. Maybe I should look towards playing this sometime. Looking forward to hearing other people's suggestions.

** spoiler omitted **

I just caught this, but no you cannot drink an infusion as a move action, even as a drunken brute. Just because extracts are drunk in the same manner as potions does not make them potions, no more than it makes them tankards of ale.

I'm thinking of making a barbarian medicine man.
Equal lvls all the way to 20.
Built for story not just combat.
Will use weapons and natural attacks


2 levels in alchemist (and an extra discovery feat) to get 2 extra arms, then Raging TWF over-sized bastard swords after a strength mutagen.

+4 alchemical bonus to strength, +4 rage bonus to strength.

3/2 strength to dominant hand damage, 3/4 strength to off hand damage, 2d8 damage die.

-6 from the improperly sized weapon and TWF is offset with the +8 from strength.

In summery, +2 to hit, 2d8+19 damage on dominate hand (strength score of 20) and 2d8+10 on off hand.

My god... The damage a level 3 Barbarian alchemist could do...

Note: Barbarian Alchemist should be referred to as a Barchemist, because duh.

(Also, looks like I'm a year+ late to the thread, oh well)

well sounds like a lot of cheese to me

me to guess it's ripe cheese by now

Yeah, barbarian/alchemists can be really good, and pretty cheesy. The ability go get +8 Strength, +4 Con, and -2 Int while raging and rocking your mutagen is powerful. I have a PC like that in PFS, and he can be really nasty if he has to be. He's also the barbarian with the highest Diplomacy score and Charisma you're ever likely to meet, since I didn't want to cheese him out too much. I tried to build him as an interesting character.

Ripe cheese is by far the best cheese.

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