Off in the Shower |
Gnome Weapon Focus (Combat)
Your extensive training with traditional gnome weapons gives you an advantage.
Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +1, gnome, proficient with all martial weapons.
Benefit: You gain a +1 bonus on attack rolls with gnome weapons (weapons with "gnome" in the title).
Emphasis mine.
Why is it there is only one weapon with gnome in its name and yet there is a whole section in Gnomes of Golarion with half a dozen gnome weapons. Does this feat only currently apply to one weapon, the Gnome Hooked Hammer?

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Gnomes of Golarion introduced several new weapons including the ripsaw glaive (sort of a weed whacker,) and the flickmace (which the writers didn't actually have time to describe.) It's since been stated none of the weapons listed in the book count as Gnome weapons because they don't have the word "Gnome" in the title. Most people I know houserule that away, but you can't do that in PFS.
If you can find them, there are a few 3.0 and 3.5 books that introduced new gnome weapons like the Gnome calculus (a flask thrower) and the Gnome tortoise blade (a sort of spiked buckler.)

Sanjiv |

"It's since been stated none of the weapons listed in the book count as Gnome weapons because they don't have the word "Gnome" in the title."
Wow... really? Even though the table describes them as "New Gnome Weapons," and are referred to in the text as "specialized gnome weapons?" That's a bummer. Anyone actually know the source for this ruling? Are Halfings the only group that got a line like "All of the items below count as halfling weapons for the weapon familiarity halfling racial trait?"
Sorry for the grave dig, but I can't be expected to both search the forum for a topic, AND find the most recent version of the topic.
Other thread:
I was going to bump that thread, but this one is where we got someone definitively saying that GoG weapons aren't affected by the Gnome weapon familiarity trait. So I figure here is where I'd get closer to the truth.

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The problem stems from a lesser attention to detail that older Player Companions, such as GoG, received compared to the hardback lines. They also rarely receive errata, and there's no FAQ section for them.
So we're left with an editing mess that sometimes we can assume should have been written in a certain way, but we can't be sure. And since the vast majority of Pathfinder games take place in the privacy of one's home, these sorts of oversights can be addressed.
For environments such as PFS, prepare for all ranges of table variation, or speak with your local Venture Captain about possibly establishing a region-wide "rule" for handling these sorts of cases.
Some rules seem obvious, and some are as clear as mud. Sometimes you just have to accept that some products aren't perfect and either choose to live with that, or you just don't buy the product.