How to thematically include resting mid-dungeon


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Liberty's Edge

thejeff wrote:
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Yeah, they cleared the Thistle Tunnels, the Fort, and the 1st level of the dungeon in one adventuring day (though it was done over two gaming sessions). They started the assault at 3rd Level and reached 4th level after defeating Ripnugget. I allowed them to level, but told them they had to wait to get use of their spells until they rested. The Ranger didn't get his animal companion until they went back to Sandpoint. So, they cleared the 1st Dungeon level with depleted spells, but were able to start the 2nd fully rested.

Kassegore wrote:

My PC's tend to find bolt holes, use well hidden rope tricks, or find a relatively safe location in a dungeon to hole up in. On those days they can't, or when they are pressed for time, they suck it up and run on empty. Those are the days I find them actually dipping heavily into the reserves of potions and scrolls.

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Well rope trick if you have a wizard, and it depends on level, if rope trick is one of your highest level spells you are unlikely to take it. If its one of the lowers then you snag it as a utility spell.

I seriously cant recall ever seeing a sorceror, magus or the like take rope trick.

Pendagast, well, both my father and brother were enlisted, not officers, so perhaps you have a point about "spellcasters" and "officers."

well im just saying I've never seen an officer missing out on 40 winks.

However a typical adventuring group would be much more like a LRRPS or seal team, than say a standard garrison unit.

The deep in enemy territory is mostly what we are talking about here. SEALS, technically don't, as a SOP, operate for extended periods of time behind enemy lines, unless they are compromised.

SF/airborne LRRPS or much more likely to pull off something like this. But anyway you cut it, the 4-6 man team is right up an adventurers ally.

However even SF has a Bravo team (the back ups if you will) which brings their total operating number to 12. (this is not always the case depending on mission)

old style 1e adventuring (which is where in dungeon resting came from) often had the campaign troupe as part of the game (hirelings, henchmen, followers etc)

There is nothing saying you can't do this, in fact, in Serpents Skull AP it was almost deliberately set up that way.

So like I was saying, long wilderness campaign? Deep dungeon delving? Why not bring some peons? Establish said base camp, adventure, pull back to camp, move the camp up to the next 'strong hold' and venture forward again. In cases where the mission relied on stealth, perhaps the base camp would need to be set up farther away. No reason it can't be on level 1 while the PCs are exploring level 2.

Pendagast wrote:
hogarth wrote:
Pendagast wrote:
So apparently soldiers in the Europe during WW 2 or those in vietnam never slept or ate?
If you can find an example where soldiers had a firefight in a building and then went to sleep in the same building, knowing that there were enemy troops still in it, I'm all ears.
How about the same town?

I certainly agree that it makes a hundred times more sense to sleep in the same town than it does with enemy soldiers literally on the other side of the door in the same house as you.

Pendagast wrote:
This is also a reason to bring along an entourage if you can, guards, hirelings, flunkies, to run the base camp and provide rest for the adventurers. Only something serious, like a full scale assault would interrupt the "bosses", it also allows for down time for everyone as there are more people.

This is no longer really supported. Hirelings are trivial to at CR opponents and most GMs don't more minis on the battlemat. You may play that way, but most people don't.

hogarth wrote:
Pendagast wrote:
hogarth wrote:
Pendagast wrote:
So apparently soldiers in the Europe during WW 2 or those in vietnam never slept or ate?
If you can find an example where soldiers had a firefight in a building and then went to sleep in the same building, knowing that there were enemy troops still in it, I'm all ears.
How about the same town?
I certainly agree that it makes a hundred times more sense to sleep in the same town than it does with enemy soldiers literally on the other side of the door in the same house as you.

They can easily just become on the other side of the door within a few minutes, just like they can in a dungeon.

In most cases if you were to clear say 1/2 of a dungeon you would pull back several rooms or caverns to find s defensible space, not stop right where you had your last battle.

In the case of fighting house to house you might claim the house you just cleared as your spot. However, that might be a bad idea due to the fact that the enemy could just call artillery on that location, so it's best to relocate so they dont know exactly where you are.

Dungeon napping would be done the same way.

Atarlost wrote:
Pendagast wrote:
This is also a reason to bring along an entourage if you can, guards, hirelings, flunkies, to run the base camp and provide rest for the adventurers. Only something serious, like a full scale assault would interrupt the "bosses", it also allows for down time for everyone as there are more people.
This is no longer really supported. Hirelings are trivial to at CR opponents and most GMs don't more minis on the battlemat. You may play that way, but most people don't.

What do you mean it's not really supported? Are there not rules to hire services? Prices for these things? No one said bring your porters and men a arms into every combat. you move them up as a support, and pull back to use them as guards while you sleep. Bring along the camp cook, the camp physician, and a lute player to boot.

What exactly do you think the leadership feat does? Who ARE all those people? Whether they stay in a specific town or follow you in a mobile camp whats the diff?

They dont all have to wade into battle with you. YOU go explore THEY set up camp. Somebody has to watch the horses.

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