Trueshots |

1~Whats the difference in number of attack when flurrying with a two handed weapon vs two weapons?
2~Do you get 1.5x str mod with flurry on a two handed weapon?
3~Are there any real benefits in using anything other than unarmed attacks with a monk unless you're looking for higher threat range? i don't see any weapon doing more that 2d10 at level 20 so it just doesn't make sense to me.
4~Can a weapon fin/dex monk deal the same damage as a str based monk? without the use of agile on unarmed attacks it seems doubtful.
5~I like the Hungry Ghost Monk. Should I go dex based or str. Should I use 2 hander or two weapons. What weapon should I use?

Stome |

1. You get your normal number of attacks plus the FoB attacks. So at lvl one its one attack plus one extra attack. Number of weapons do not effect this. Making two weapons worthless.
2. No. Right in the FoB text it says you always get 1X str with flurry of blows.
3. Yes. much cheaper to enchant. Don't have to waste neck slot on AoMF. As you said better threat range. Don't like damage dice fool you. Firstly what damage he will have at 20 means little since most of the game is not at 20. Second static damage bonuses mater a great deal more then damage dice. Lastly an AoMF can homly be enchanted to +5 and weapon can go to +10 (only +5 in flat enchantment but another 5 in things like flaming and what not.)
4. No
5. Not two weapons that's for sure. 2hander vs unarmed. That's up to you. I would go 2hander though.

proftobe |
1. none flurry its own special case and the only reason for two weapons is to either use different weapons or different materials/enchants.
2. no once again the specific flurry rule over writes this, but you do get the 2 handed bonus to power attack
3. rolling high damage dice looks cool, but static mods +to hit generally do most of the damage add in the fact that unlike the amulet an unarmed fighter wears that tops out at +5(to hit and abilities) a weapon can be pushed up to +10(to hit and abilities)
4 no but its certainly less MAD and a lot more defensible.
5 currently the top monk build for damage is 1 weapon temple sword str build.
edit ninjaed by 20 seconds

Skylancer4 |

1) There isn't, read the monk FAQ that was put out a little bit ago.
2) No.
3) Depends, the price on the amulet of mighty fists was lowered in the FAQ. Preciously it was priced over the cost of 2 magical weapons so enhancements for natural/IUS were more pricey. Also previously you couldn't flurry with a single weapon so two weapons was actually more attractive the early/mid game when you had to pay an arm and leg for the AoMF.
4) Not sure, never ran the numbers. Power attack does get the added bonus for two handed weapons even though they don't get 1.5 STR during flurry. You'd want to look at Piranha Strike to get a similar effect for the build in question I believe.
5) Which ever you would like more, I can't imagine the damage difference is going to be 'night and day' though I believe Piranha Strike had an extra prereq so would essentially require more 'investment' to work than power attack (THF).