White Hair Witch, hair question, can they manipulate objects?

Rules Questions

Liberty's Edge

Ok... I tried to find a answer somewhere in the threads...and after checking pages i could not. So I am asking here.
A witch can get the hex for Prehensile hair, allowing her to manipulate objects or attack usable 1 minute per level (assuming they mean 1 minute per witch level and not 1 minute per each class level they have gained) Prehensile hair can be used as a weapon, but it can not wield a weapon but can manipulate objects.

Now a White hair witch takes that and runs with it, pretty much focusing on leveling and getting it stronger with, constrict, trip, pull and stangle. However it does not say anything about manipulting objects. But it tends to reason that the white hair witch is actually stronger, it gets 1d4 as opposed to 1d3 damage and its use is permanent... but it says nothing about manipulating objects, I understand the obvious that the hair can not wield a weapon as that would be like gaining extra limbs for use with weapons. But could I pick up a spoon and eat my soup with it or wind a pocket watch with it? As the hair has the innate ability to grapple (fine size on up, I would assume it has the ability to grab and release).

So the ultimate question I as a GM am asking is whether a white hair witch can manipulate objects with her hair, or if the hair is like the weapons in world of warcraft, that remain limp and impotent until a designated enemy approaches. Since a white hair witch loses the hex ability and will never be able to get apprehensive hair unless they take a level in the magus class with a special archetype. It seems excessive just to be able to maniuplate a small object.

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Personally, I see no reason why the hair shouldn't be able to manipulate objects just fine. It's really no different than an Alchemist picking up a tentacle attack. You're the DM, though, so it's really your call, there's no official ruling on this that I know of.

Liberty's Edge

ok, I was just curious about getting other opinions and supporting arguments for their opinions since it would feel better/ more fair to me to allow someone to use it.

It also has great implications for RP

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Considering how profoundly poorly the White-Haired Witch archetype fares in general I would say allow it.

Liberty's Edge

ok, I seem to hear, almost entirely, that trading your Hex Ability for Hair is rather a poor trade.

The Concept seems nice, but execution did not turn out so well... or perhaps something is missing or misunderstoond?

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Nope, not missing or misunderstood, unfortunately. Mechanically, it's a bad Archetype & I say that really liking the concept. Even if it had started with 10' reach instead of 5' as it does, it is still really weak by comparison to any other Witch Archetype.

I would certainly allow it, even if the WHW was otherwise already overpowered. It makes no sense that a witch that specializes on hair should have less hair power than a normal witch that just picks up prehensile hair for flavor.

Liberty's Edge


so how is it underpowered or over powered?

Though as a very casual group, we do not really play with grapple, trip and the like. So it may not have as much a affect for us then?

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

The WHW trades what may be their signature ability, Hexes, for an ability that focuses on what will be one of the weakest possible for someone with Primary Caster BAB, a melee attack with a CMB dependent secondary effect.

Liberty's Edge

basically taking away a spell casters spells and making them melee dependant and trying to do combat maneuvers with a casters melee skills, while not having a high base attack bonus.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Sgt Spectre wrote:
basically taking away a spell casters spells and making them melee dependant and trying to do combat maneuvers with a casters melee skills, while not having a high base attack bonus.

Correct about everything else, but they still keep all their actual casting ability, just no Hexes, which, mechanically, is pretty much why you play a witch unless you like playing an Arcane caster who happens to have some healing ability as well.

Liberty's Edge

and while casters they are not devoted casters like a Sorceror or Wizard, but have access to means of healing.

Seems like the witch can be some what balanced as a default class, though the White Haired Witch would take alot of knowledge on the players part of the system and the world they are playing in.
Not a beginner class, especially with some balance issues then.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

You are also going to be burning through almost all your feats just to make the hair viable,
Which means you aren't going to have any left over for meta-magic or other things.

Grand Lodge

My white-haired witch has Profession: Barber. She uses her hair to demonstrate styles for her customers, and then has it go into head-to-head combat with the customer's hair while she wields the scissors.

She also uses it to reload her pistols.

Liberty's Edge

yes, I can see it being a great boon for reloading fire arms definitely.
WHW seems to be great for an augment class.

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