How often are kingdom turns done?


Grand Lodge

Our current GM is doing 4 kingdom turns at the start of every session and 12 between books.

This seems excessive and a little non-sensical as we are not always home at the start of a session. Don't get me wrong I like having a Kingdom that cannot fail checks (currently). But I have the nagging feeling it's not what was supposed to happen.

Can someone tell me if this is right or wrong. I don't imagine it coming up but lets try and keep this spoiler free.


As far as the auto passes go, it's practically inevitable. The kingdom turns system is not difficult to game, or even remotely robust.

Should be one per month... So are you playing 4 month sessions?

Sounds odd to me :)

Sovereign Court

What Rickmeister said. One per game month. If you guys are taking a break for a year then 12 turns.

We've been doing a burst of 3 to 6 months, usually out of game on our forums, then going back and doing the IC events in-session and adjusting the resulting timeline as needed. It's needed a few minor rewrites/changes of plan, but not many.

In the game I DM we do Kingdom turns for as long as the guys want...
We've had as long as 15 months at once.

However, in answer to your question...
There is no 'right' or 'wrong' answer to this.
It's pretty much up to the DM & players how many months of kingdom
building you do at a time.

However - for some sense of reality, you need to have your PCs pass as
many months in game as the kingdom has.
i.e. it'd be pretty farsical if the kingdom was suddenly 15 years old,
but the PCs had only passed 15 months in game...

In my game - we have done more kingdom building than the PCs have lived
through, but then those months occur whilst they're out exploring...with
the proviso that they make their way home evry wee while tfulfil their
duties at court.

In the game I DM we do Kingdom turns for as long as the guys want...
We've had as long as 15 months at once.

However, in answer to your question...
There is no 'right' or 'wrong' answer to this.
It's pretty much up to the DM & players how many months of kingdom
building you do at a time.

However - for some sense of reality, you need to have your PCs pass as
many months in game as the kingdom has.
i.e. it'd be pretty farsical if the kingdom was suddenly 15 years old,
but the PCs had only passed 15 months in game...

In my game - we have done more kingdom building than the PCs have lived
through, but then those months occur whilst they're out exploring...with
the proviso that they make their way home every wee while fulfil their
duties at court. (i.e. the players do the kingdom building, suspending
their disbelief - & then the PCs experience what the players have done,
but at a later point in time.)

Grand Lodge

So it's completely up to the group. Then I believe all is fine in the world.

Thanks everybody!

Scarab Sages

Yes definitely. :)

I will say that it is important to review where your PC kingdom is prior to book 3 since it pose some difficulties with the fallout by book end if it is not built up to a certain level.

Same with Books 4 and 5: You should review the intro section to see where it is assumed your kingdom is at size and development wise before proceeding, otherwise, you might find some unpleasant loss of continuity in mid book.

There is definitely an assumed "sweet spot" of kingdom progression at the start of the books 4-5

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