Help me build this inquisitor!


Alright so I have an inquisitor in a home brew campaign, and the GM has asked for no 'Combat-Wombats'. So, help me build an Inquisitor that won't facemurder the everything.

Assume Stats are not an issue, and I have the first two feats taken. They are as follows:

Trait: Sword of Mercy

1.) Exotic Weapon Prof: (Bladed Two-Handed Weapon)
2.) Enforcer
Bonus.) Shield Wall

I will be picking up Cruel (Reskinned to be called Penitent), and look at trying to keep enemies debuffed to assist our wizard. I am also using a buckler, and have a paladin in the party with a heavy steel shield.

Probably not optomised, but for an 'inqusitor' that wont murder everything, you could try some sort of support inquisitor.

Human, Feather Domain Inquisitor

Alternate Racial Trait: Eye for Talent


Level 1: Skill Focus (Knowledge: Religion)

Level 3: Eldritch Heritage (Arcane)

Level 5: Boon Companion

Level 7: Branded for Retribution

Level 9: Improved Familiar

Level 11: Improved Share Spells

You have both a familiar, and an animal companion that you can use to apply bane with branded for retribution. Get a Deinonychus (Velociraptor) as your companion for maximum attacks, and a cat as your familiar (Until you can pick up improved familiar). Your familiar should actually be better than an equivalent wizard's since it bases its hit points, skill ranks, base attack bonus, and base saves off its master's, and the inqusitor has superior values in all of these.

At low levels, the extra combatant alone should pull their weight, even with limited uses of bane, and at high levels, with buffs applied through improved share spells it should still have some relevance.

Possibly use the preacher archetype or if not, use bonus feats for Gang-up -> Team up so you can use your move action to aid another.

Grand Lodge

What books are allowed?

What races are allowed?

What is the point buy?

All books are allowed. I am using a custom race that the GM made using the Advanced Race Guide, and the point buy is a rather crazy 51 points. If you would like, the stat array (before bonuses) looks like:


The race gets a bonus to strength and wisdom, with a penalty to Intelligence.

Grand Lodge

I may be asking for a bit much, but could you post what the details of the custom race are.

I would hate to suggest something that is counterproductive to the build.

I made a 1/2 orc inquisitor with the alternative racials of city-raised and beastrial, allowing for long sword and whip prof. plus an extra +2 perception is always handy. I geared my feats to the whip, allowing for trip/disarm combat help. And i geared up my intimidate as well with 1/2 orc gaining +2 and taking the +1/2 level to intimidate also. Weapon focus whip, whip mastery tree is fun and if you are using occupations then gladiator gains you weapon focus and taking a drawback will grant you another feat(I took fanantic). Obviously, combat exp. and imp. trip/disarm is handy. Or you could go two-weapon with the long sword/whip combo. Trip then stab. We only played those characters until 10th but combined with the teamwork feats--tandem trip--he was really effective (which means my DM hated me)...sneak in combat reflexes and with a 10ft reach you are tripping everybody.Have fun...I really like the Inquisitor class.


Lesser Angel Statblock:

Lesser Angel characters possess the following racial traits:

+2 Strength, -2 Intelligence, +2 Wisdom.

Outsider (Native) type.

Darkvision 60.

Electricity Resistance 5.

Gifted Speaker: +2 Diplomacy, always a class skill.

Weapon Proficiency: Lesser angels are proficient with longswords and greatswords.

Weapon Familiarity: Lesser angels may take the Exotic Weapon Proficiency for the Magna-Sword.

Gliding Wings: Lesser angels can use their wings to glide, negating damage from a fall of any height and allowing 15 feet of forward travel for every five feet of descent, gliding at a speed of 30 feet with poor maneuverability. While gliding, a lesser angel may not hover. A lesser angel cannot glide while carrying a medium or heavy load.

Any lesser angel player must take two racial levels. They provide the following bonuses:

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1st +1 +2 +0 +2 +2 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence, Celestial Resistance, Fly (15, average) Holy Assault
2nd +2 +3 +0 +3 +2 Constitution, +2 Wisdom, Heavenborn, Fly (30, perfect), Holy Assault

Hit Die: d10

Class Skills: Craft, Diplomacy, Fly, Heal, Knowledge (The Planes), Knowledge (Religion), Linguistics, Perception, Sense Motive, Spellcraft.

Skill Ranks per Level: 6 + Int modifier

All of the following are Class Features of the Lesser Angel racial levels.

Celestial Resistance: At 1st level, the lesser angel gains 5 acid resistance and 5 cold resistance.

Flight: At 1st level, lesser angels lose their ability to glide and gain the ability to Fly with a speed of 15 feet with average maneuverability.

At 2nd level, lesser angels improve their ability to Fly to a speed of 30 feet with perfect maneuverability.

Holy Assault: For a number of rounds per day equal to their character level, a lesser angel may call upon the holy power in their veins to shroud their arms in righteous light. While active, unarmed strikes and wielded weapons deal an additional 1d6 points of holy damage against evil enemies. Activating this ability is a swift action, deactivating it is a free action.

Starting at 2nd level, holy assault makes all unarmed strikes and wielded weapons good-aligned. In addition, so long as the lesser angel is wielding a weapon while holy assault is active, their healing spells heal an additional 1d8 points of damage (or deal an additional 1d8 points of damage to undead).

Heavenborn: At 2nd level, lesser angels gain a +2 bonus to Knowledge (The Planes) and cast spells with the Good or Healing descriptor with a +1 caster level.

At your request, and its posted in the spoiler. Sorry about the formatting.

Dark Archive

51 point buy
Lesser Angel
won't murder everything

What the hell is your DM doing? Because his intentions and his actions are working completely against each other.

Long story short, unless you specifically need to build a character that sucks at combat, you could just build a normal Inquisitor and do just fine. There aren't any really iffy Inquisitor builds that I've ever seen.

Just standard stuff like Power Attack, Furious Focus, maybe the Cornugon Smash and Shatter Defenses lines (since Inquisitors are so damn good at Intimidating things) would work fine under most circumstances.

Grand Lodge

So, you have two levels in a "monster class"?

Also, what is a "Magna-Sword"?

Are you using Golarion gods?

Proficiency, and Domain/Inquisition availability are depended on Deity, so knowing what is available is key.

There are also a number of traits, feats, and magic items that are deity dependent.

I can see I am digging my GM a grave here, but I will continue to answer questions.

A magna-sword is a weapon that, once you take the EWP for it, can be wielded in one hand or two like a bastard sword. It's other special ability is the fact it can do either bludgeoning or slashing damage.

Golarion gods are being used, simply reskinned. I chose Sarenrae, and picked up Sword of Mercy (AKA Blade of Mercy) as my trait.

He has set aside that Deities do not have favored weapons, and I chose the conversion inquisition (Because the party lacked a 'face', so I picked it up).

One last note, the GM approved a favored class bonus for this race: 1/2 bonus to diplomacy checks and knowledge checks to identify monsters.

Inquisitors are pretty good combat mongers due to judgments and bane. If you want to tone down the combat ability focus on the noncombat abilities of the class. Keep your combat feats to a minimum and go for more versatility.

A couple of good feats are Improved Monster Lore for a bonus of 1/2 your level for identifying monsters. Also Detect Expertise to give you a chance to identify the magical abilities of your opponents.

Also keep your combat buff spells to a minimum and pick up useful noncombat spells. Go for disguise self instead of divine favor. Inquisitors have some good spells but most people focus on the combat buffs. Spells like detect thoughts, speak with dead and find quarry make you a investigator that can't be escaped.

If you have any damaging spells the feat merciful spell is good since it does not require a higher level spell. A merciful Blistering Invective is a great crowd control spell anywhere. This works great for dispersing a peasant mob that you don't really want to kill.

Grand Lodge

Flyby Attack is a good option. Death from Above is good option too.

Go Power Attack, Furious Focus, and nab a Merciful Greatsword.

Note: Vital Strike can be combined with Flyby Attack, which is rare, because there is not much Vital Strike can be combined with, so that's an option.

Carry some Nets and Snag Nets. Incapacitation is your goal.

Wait, how do feats, spells, items, and abilities based off a Deity's favored weapon work, if there are no favored weapons?

Uh...good question? I know Spiritual Weapon would have issues, but not sure about the others. However, I had not thought of Flyby attack. Nifty idea!

What feats and stuff were you referencing BBT?

Grand Lodge

Guided Hand, and Crusader's Flurry feats.

Divine Scion prerequisites and powers.

Crusader Cleric feats.

There are more.

Fair point...though, none of us ran into that issue since we don't have a cleric.

Grand Lodge

Just let him know that it may cause problems.

I thought the purpose of this thread was how to make an Inquisitor so he is not overpowered in combat. Most of the suggestion here are designed to increase your combat ability.

Shadow Lodge

"over powered" is subject to the opinion of the table and gm, not the discretion of a passer by.

good in combat =/= OP

I like how the lesser angel is dumber than the base races.

"We angels don't need no stink in books, we got dem wings"

Silver Crusade

As your inquisitor should be a decent combatant without lots of combat feats, focus your feat choices on non-damage dealing feats. Improved initiative to ensure you go first. Skill Focus Perception to spot danger. Heck any skill bonus feats for skills you plan on using.

For your Teamwork feats, look into ones that enhance your mobility, like escape route, or help friends, like combat medic.

Beyond that, perhaps some of the generic enhancement feats should help keep you from being a "combat monster". Toughness, Iron Will, etc.

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