Name for Adventuring Group

Curse of the Crimson Throne

So our group recently started playing Curse of the Crimson Throne, presently we're on Seven Days to the Grave and a few of us recently decided we want our characters to have a name for their group. So far we haven't been able to come up with anything, in part because nothing we've come up with really catches our appeal and that only two of us are really making the attempt to think of anything. I would like for this group to have a decent name for a change instead of regulating to some lame, idiotic lazy attempt at a name like what normally tends to happen whenever we try something like this. Can anyone give me some good suggestions for a group name or at least a theme that we could follow or model a motif from?

Our group currently consist of the following...

human cleric of Cayden Cailean
dwarven stonelord of Torag
half-orc falconer of Gorum
human razmerian priest of Sheyln (don't ask)
gomish grenader of Cayden Cailean (recent convert)

Occassionally we have between one to two more characters but this is our primary group.

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