Looking for Pirates of Dark Water...


So I am looking to do a Pirates of Dark Water review. Does anyone know of a good place to download episodes that ISN'T torrent based? Or would be willing to pass the episodes along to me for this project?

Note: I do delete episodes after i'm done with the review so I believe this would fall under creative use.

Pbbblllppp. I don't think there's anywhere you can download them for free without torrents, so you may be shit outta luck without visiting yon Pirates of the Bay of Torrents.

Amazon has the whole series for $35 if you wanted to shell out some dosh for them, but I actually can't seem to find anywhere online (with a quick search anyway on some sites I frequent for shows like that) that allows a download at all, even paid.

Rynjin wrote:

Pbbblllppp. I don't think there's anywhere you can download them for free without torrents, so you may be s+~# outta luck without visiting yon Pirates of the Bay of Torrents.

Amazon has the whole series for $35 if you wanted to shell out some dosh for them, but I actually can't seem to find anywhere online (with a quick search anyway on some sites I frequent for shows like that) that allows a download at all, even paid.

Curses! Anyone else possible know?

I would suggest that you go the legitimate route and purchase them, or borrow the physical copies from someone who owns the disks.

The only complaint I have with the disks (which are produced On-Order, so they don't actually burn them until you order) is that the episode "The Dagron Master" is listed as "The Dragon Master" on the disk and the liner notes, and that they got rid of Niddler's constant grousing (and used the non-Roddy-MacDowell voice version). The transfer is better than the original broadcast quality, the sound is great, and it's a good piece of nostalgia.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

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The only way to get a legal, free review copy is to write to the publisher and ask them for one. Whether they choose to send you one or not is up to them. Probably they will only send you the first several episodes if any.

Otherwise you're asking for pirated material, and pirates are only cool if they're named Ios.

$35 is a decent price for a DVD boxset, plus I've seen them for even cheaper used ($20 or less). If you're dedicated to the project, then support the creators and cough up the dough.

I loved this cartoon growing up. Its a shame it was cancelled so soon, it had some really good stories going on. This one they should definitely reboot TMNT style.

Yeah I was thinking I would have to go the DVD route... and then I got to thinking that might not be so bad. My animation collection could use some Western representation. Then my roommate went and ordered it for me. I have a good roommate.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

Benoc, yeah, I think it was a little too niche for its time. I have to wonder how it'd fare now -- in the right hands it could be amazing.

The NPC, that's awesome--and an amazing roommate. Where will you post the review?

Indeed. I'll be posting a link here in the television section of the forums. The link will lead to my site randomhamlet.webs.com

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