My casa out in the middle of the woods?!

Pathfinder Online

Goblin Squad Member

Will I be able to place a personal house out in the wilderness without it being in a player settlement?

Goblin Squad Member

Not right away. Perhaps eventually, but that hasn't been announced yet, and will likely depend on how important it is to the community as a whole.

Goblin Squad Member

Well I think for ranger and especially druids, they would want their shack somewhere deep in the woods, jungles or swamp, to be in line with their chosen careers.

Also for the shady crowd, I think sewers, basements, dungeons would be the perfect homes for them.

Goblin Squad Member

Here's the current main info on player-built structures: Goblin Works blog: Player-Created Buildings and Structures

It appears that suitable areas in a Hex for Settlement construction are limited to a few locations. As for stand-alone buildings, there are types of these structures that appear to be able to be built relatively freely (eg Bandit's Hide-Out, Inn?), but it's unclear at present how that will work and if any other types of building will be added to that category: As far as I understand it.

Seems like the listed will be worked in first and not all at the same time, and then anything later in development.

Goblin Squad Member

As long as there are plans to keep the sprawl to a minimum, I am for it. I would hate for PFO to turn into the madness that was UO player housing.

Goblin Squad Member

Heh, if you go to an unsettle hex you could start a new settlement and then not let anyone else live there. Probably wouldn't last long though.

Goblin Squad Member

As a elven wizard I would love to have me a privat study deep in the woods, maybe inside a massive tree or built in one.

Goblin Squad Member

Although it would be very nice, this kind of building would be an easy target for enemies to attack and destroy. Even if it is hidden eventually players would find and try to destroy it. Unless it is allowed to be undetectable. However, an undetectable building would not be ok for the balance of game IMO.

Goblin Squad Member

I though hideouts could be only accessibly by the owner or by invite ?

Goblin Squad Member

Sunwader wrote:

I though hideouts could be only accessibly by the owner or by invite ?

Good question, I´m not sure how hideouts will work. But I think they will be detectable and subject to attack and destruction eventually.

Goblin Squad Member

I hope rope trick will be a safe place at least hehe

Karnov wrote:
As long as there are plans to keep the sprawl to a minimum, I am for it. I would hate for PFO to turn into the madness that was UO player housing.

I agree! As much as I would love to have a lone tower out in the wilds, I think everyone else would like the same.

Goblin Squad Member

Hideouts will be detectable, but expect expect very few people to have that ability, at least for the first few years.

Goblin Squad Member

My bet is Rangers will be most likely to find them out.

Goblin Squad Member

LordDaeron wrote:
Although it would be very nice, this kind of building would be an easy target for enemies to attack and destroy. Even if it is hidden eventually players would find and try to destroy it. Unless it is allowed to be undetectable. However, an undetectable building would not be ok for the balance of game IMO.


Even settlements are going to be attacked by players. Your quaint little cabin in the woods would be torched within days of it being built.

Perhaps if you can hire nigh unkillable NPC guards and someone has to schedule in an attack on your cabin you might have a chance but that would also give your attacker the ability to rally an entire guild to turn your home into tinder.

I am exactly the kind of person that would build their own little cabin in the woods but in this particular game I don't see it happening.

Goblin Squad Member

Hexes will be fairly high in player traffic, it's been estimated I think by Ryan, even wilderness hexes, so agree, any player-built structure will need high safe-guards to persist eg (detection wards et al.).

Goblin Squad Member

I hope at least there will be a difference between structures depending on what they are built for. For instance if its supposed to withstand an army attacking and have small easy to defend entrances and build into the mountain, or casa del view showing off the ocean view to your mates, or a secret hideout under the ground with only teleport in and out

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