3D Printable monster models

Prerelease Discussion

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Would Paizo consider selling 3D printable models of monsters in the upcoming bestiaries? It would be a godsend for people living in remote areas like myself.

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I like this idea. I was recently thinking about a 3d printer myself to get me good minis for characters (via heroforge) and for some mobs (drivethru rpgs sells ready to 3d print monsters by now)
so why not sell the files to 3d print the iconic characters and monsters of pathfinder

they could be sold in bestiary sets or theme sets (heroes, abberations, goblins & friends) or similar

also: customizable minis
hc svnt dracones (the biggest furry rpg I know) has a tool which helps you to create custom minis especially for the setting
and as said hero forge which already enables a sh**load of possibilities

Liberty's Edge

There's no shortage of fan models:

Paizo doesn't make their own minis and none of their staff is likely experienced at 3D modelling. I can't imagine they have the skill set to produce a sellable product of that type.

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