Dealan |
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It seems that you can pick any (PFS-legal) deity with luck listed under "portfolio" (as it's called in the CRB) or "area of concern" (as it's called in the ISWG) as well as any deity who grants the luck domain.
Relevant quotes:
When you create a cleric character, decide whether she uses the standard form of channel energy or a variant presented here based on one aspect of her deity's portfolio.
Find a deity with luck in her portfolio. Pretty clearly, that includes things listed under portfolio and area of concern. However...
Focused Domain: A theologian chooses only one domain from her deity's portfolio rather than the normal two domains
The theologian archetype isn't particularly relevant, but the fact that theologian's chose a domain from her deity's portfolio is. Domains must be part of a deity's portfolio.
Desna is the only deity who has luck listed in a table under portfolio or area of concern, but there are others who grant it as a domain (including Calistria and Shelyn in the core pantheon). Apparently, those are acceptable for luck variant channeling. I've been trying to figure this out for myself. I'm considering a cleric of Groetus with madness variant channeling.