mcspankie |

The problem is players being above the WBL. So how did we get there.
1. Players playing out of their tier on a regular basis.
Why did this happen.
A. The first four seasons were designed for a table of 4. So tables of five and six played up for any challenge.
B. Greed.
2. The free consumables in the adventures.
3. PP/Fame is able to be used as gold.
4. Gold on chronicles out paces the WBL chart. ( at least at the low lvls I did not crunch the numbers at high tier)
5. Pregens.
What can we do to fix or have done to fix these.
1. The adventures are now wrote with a six player mind set.
2. The modules were sanctioned for PFS.
3. The APs are being sanctioned for PFS.
4. Thornkeep.
B. ???
2. Eliminate this rule maybe.
3. ???
4. Reduce the gold on new chronicles across the broad to bring it back to the WBL chart
5. ???
We know that the playing out of tier is the biggest problem. I do see this less and less now due to season 4. So have MJM fixed some of the problem already with 1-A. With us just not seeing the results yet. It may be that we are just seeing all of the rich characters from the early seasons right now. I would like to see 2 and 4 put into place for season 5 and see if that helps.