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Name: Hearthguard
Alignment: NG
Preferred Alignments: LG/NG/G/LN/N
Role: exploration, mining, smithing, alchemy and other professions.
Player Roles Accepted: Almost any
On griefing and random pvp: We are opposed to it and we will not allow it in our guild.
Goal: To create an environment conducive to advancements in smithing, alchemy, mining, etc...
Mission statement: We are the the Hearthguard, we will put the protection of our hearth and home above all else! We will pride ourselves on craftsmanship and good natured fun. We expect to take crafting very seriousley and aim to ensure that the name of Hearthguard is synonomous with fine craftsmanship. We will be a community oriented guild; We will watch out for each other, we will work for each other, and we will do all in our power to protect those of our order and our allys. We are a team! We know the value of good friends and what it means to band together to achieve a common goal. Loyalty and business go hand in hand; our word is our bond, we always follow through on deliveries of goods and payments. Honor in busniness is honor in life!
Note: This guild was started partly in thanks to the communities of the "Pathfinder Society Online Collective." If you are a member of PSOC and wish to join the guild; you may find there are people you already know in the guild.
Recruitment: We are currently actively recuiting; however, if you wish to join, please make yourself known here in the thread as we are currently in the process of choosing a forum in which to recruit prospective members.

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I've added your Guild to the Guild Recruitment & Helpful Links list. If you have a brief description you'd like to appear there to let people know about your guild while they're browsing that list, just PM me or post a clear request here.
Also, The Seventh Veil welcomes you to the community, and extends an offer of Diplomatic Outreach. (Note, this is not an offer for Alliance, just a way to open formal channels for private discussions.)

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Thank you Nihimon, if you wouldn't mind posting us in the help links I would appreciate it. Here is something you can add in the description for us:
Our bond is unbreakable. Our will is unshakable. Our craftsmanship is unmatched. We are Hearthguard.
We are a guild dedicated to the ideals of safety, the defense of our homeland, and the freedom of creation and exploration.

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Additional Information about the Guild.
Guild Forum - Pfofan.com
Guild Slogan - Our bond is unbreakable. Our will is unshakable. Our craftsmanship is unmatched. We are Hearthguard.
We carry the firm belief that everyone within this new world should have the right to protection and safety, but those who do should be expected to carry a certain discipline of personal peace; we will not harbor criminals. We believe in the right to self-defense; we believe whole-heartedly in the Defense of our homeland and the protection of our members and allies against all enemies who would wish them unprovoked harm. We are explorers; adventurer’s seeking new enterprises for business and craft. We accept most roles of play and encourage those who do not have any interest in crafting to join as well; every expedition needs escorts! We need defenders to ensure our business is conducted securely and safely. We need crafters and businessmen, networkers and liaisons; the list goes on and on. We expect for the name of hearthguard to carry with it connotations of fine craftsmanship, security, and exploration.
Means of Communication:
At the moment our guild is listed with pfofan.com and the main form of communication at this point will be conducted through the forum; however, we also have a skype chat and we are currently looking into some other voice server options.
Stance on alignment:
Evil characters will not be allowed to join this guild. If you are already a member of the guild and your alignment changes to any evil, you will be excommunicated from our organization. We are slightly opposed to chaotic aligned characters; this is mainly due to the way that contracts work, we do not want any bad business. We will accept applications from chaotic aligned characters; however, you may undergo some additional scrutiny during recruitment.

Darsch |

Greetings gerrik, I am Darsch, an ambassador of the LG CC Peace Through Vigilance, and i would like to extend a hand in friendship as well as welcome you and your group to PFO. We also have a small section on PFOfan about us if you would like to view it. I look forward to further discussions with you, feel free to PM me any time.

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Here’s a link to the Keeper of the Circle’s Chancery, where we welcome greet foreign envoys and such. Feel free to drop by and say hello.
http://keepersofthecircle.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=goldinfo&action =display&thread=86

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Greetings to you Gerrick and the honoroble Hearthguard! I am The Wyldethorne, and I would like to introduce myself as an Ambassador of The Kingdom of Aeternum
and offer to establish Diplomatic Ties, if that be your desire. I sincerely hope to establish friendly and prosperous relations with you, our neighbors. Good day, and Well Met!

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Before our guild makes any considerations to alliances, It would be nice to know what alliances our would be allies have drawn. It would also be nice to know if any of your orders have any enemies we should be wary of. At this point I must confer with my council and discuss such friendships. Know full well that we mean no offense; and the offer of peace from so many already speaks worlds of your character as well as the character of your organizations. Alas, a swift descision without the slightest consideration as to the consequences is a foolhardy descision at best and I must discuss such an important descision with my fellow compatriots.

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High Thane Thunderkeg and Thane-Blade Krows have tasked me with opening diplomatic relations with the Kingdoms and Companies of like minded bent within the River Kingdoms. Though we understand that it will be sometime before launch, we would like to open lines of communication, establish friendships, and participate with you in the crowdforging and community building of PfO.
In this light, I encourage you or your representative(s) to come forward and make contact with our Embassy, at the Pax Gaming forums, and meet our brethren.

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Hello! It sounds like your group holds very similar ideals to that of the Empyrean Order. Always glad to see more good aligned groups around. I hope we can work together and start peace talks at least (and hopefully an eventual alliance should our aims and goals fit)!
Here is a link to our forum, you can sign one of your members up as an ambassador to learn more and see what we are all about: Empyrean Order Forum

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Hello everyone,
It has been a very long time since this thread has been opened, Please allow me to re-introduce ourselves, we are Hearthguard!
for more information on the guild you can go scroll to the top of this thread (I don't want to clutter this post with what has already been said).
We have planned to make our selections for phase 2 of the land rush and if anyone is interested in joining our cause or our guild and taking part in this process, you are more than welcome to join our ranks. We currently have a page with pfofan.com and are a friendly enough bunch. We are still small but we are friendly. Most guild business is conducted on skype and we are all eagerly awaiting early enrollment, considering we are one of the earlier guilds to form here on paizo.com. I think most of what needed to be said has been said.