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Wow, no one has posted yet. I get to be first. Yay!!
Here is my experience from my first case that I got from Paizo. I should get my order from my game store next Wednesday. I could not find an official brakedown of what is common, medium and rare, so I am inserting what I think it is based on my case.
1 Caedimus......................5
2 Portioque.....................4
3 Mite..........................4
4 Grub Swarm....................4
5 Boggard.......................4
6 Clockwork Soldier.............3
7 Tower Girl....................2
8 Shadow Hound..................4
9 Xulgath.......................3
10 Medium Air Elemental.........4
11 Medium Earth Elemental.......5
12 Medium Fire Elemental........2
13 Hell Hound...................4
14 Pallid Path Cultist..........3
15 Medium Water Elemental.......3
16 Mummy Cleric.................3
17 Caulborn.....................3
18 Catfolk Rogue................3
19 Clerid of Zon-Kuthon.........3
20 Caryatid Column..............2
21 Gray Maiden..................2
22 Ravenous Ooze................3
23 Hound of Tindalos............2
24 Mite on Spider...............2
25 Nightgaunt...................3
26 Shriezyx.....................2
27 Skeletal Champion............2
28 Night Hag....................2
29 Guiltspur Naga...............3
30 Gug..........................3
31 Hill Giant...................3
32 Fire Giant...................3
33 Glass Golem..................3
34 Iron Golem...................3
35 Wyvern.......................3
36 Troll Champion...............2
37 Wrath Demon..................2
38 Lem, Halfling Bard...........1
39 Amiri, Human Barbarian.......1
40 Ardathanatus.................1
41 Koriah Azmeren...............1
42 Natalya Vancaskerkin.........1
43 Xin..........................1
44 Gray Maiden Commander........1
45 Runelord Sorshen.............1
46 Sheila Heidmarch.............1
47 Mesmalatu....................1
48 Alchemical Golem.............1
49 Clockwork Reliquary..........1
50 Dullahani....................1
51 Large Air Elemental..........1
52 Large Earth Elemental........1
53 Large Water Elemental........1
54 Large Fire Elemental.........1
55 Gargantuan Blue Dragon.......1

Alarian Darkwind |

Here is my set. Got it today.
1 Caedimus......................3
2 Portioque.....................4
3 Mite..........................4
4 Grub Swarm....................2
5 Boggard.......................4
6 Clockwork Soldier.............3
7 Tower Girl....................5
8 Shadow Hound..................4
9 Xulgath.......................2
10 Medium Air Elemental.........5(1 broken off its base)
11 Medium Earth Elemental.......3
12 Medium Fire Elemental........4
13 Hell Hound...................3
14 Pallid Path Cultist..........4
15 Medium Water Elemental.......4
16 Mummy Cleric.................2
17 Caulborn.....................2
18 Catfolk Rogue................2
19 Clerid of Zon-Kuthon.........3
20 Caryatid Column..............2
21 Gray Maiden..................3
22 Ravenous Ooze................2
23 Hound of Tindalos............3
24 Mite on Spider...............3
25 Nightgaunt...................2
26 Shriezyx.....................2
27 Skeletal Champion............2
28 Night Hag....................3
29 Guiltspur Naga...............3
30 Gug..........................2
31 Hill Giant...................3
32 Fire Giant...................3
33 Glass Golem..................2
34 Iron Golem...................3
35 Wyvern.......................3
36 Troll Champion...............3
37 Wrath Demon..................3
38 Lem, Halfling Bard...........1
39 Amiri, Human Barbarian.......1
40 Ardathanatus.................1
41 Koriah Azmeren...............1
42 Natalya Vancaskerkin.........1
43 Xin..........................1
44 Gray Maiden Commander........1
45 Runelord Sorshen.............1
46 Sheila Heidmarch.............1
47 Mesmalatu....................1
48 Alchemical Golem.............1
49 Clockwork Reliquary..........1
50 Dullahani....................1
51 Large Air Elemental..........1
52 Large Earth Elemental........1
53 Large Water Elemental........1
54 Large Fire Elemental.........1
55 Gargantuan Blue Dragon.......1 (2 horns broken off)

Joe Wells RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32 |

Just 2 bricks instead of a case. Here they are, per brick. Boosters left to right, front row then back:
Brick 1
Troll Champion, Medium Air Elemental, Mummy Cleric, Shadow Hound
Wyvern, Pallid Path Cultist, Boggard, Nightgaunt
Large Air Elemental, Caryatid Column, Mite, Medium Water Elemental
Wrath Demon, Clockwork Soldier, Tower Girl, Catfolk Rogue
Iron Golem, Caulborn, Mesmalatu, Grub Swarm (C pkg)
Wrath Demon, Medium Water Elemental, Mite on Spider, Boggard
Dullahan, Hound of Tindalos, Xulgath, Tower Girl
Fire Giant, Caulborn, Hell Hound, Amiri, Human Barbarian
Brick 2
Large Fire Elemental, Medium Air Elemental, Xulgath, Ravenous Ooze
Fire Giant, Caedimus, Gray Maiden, Gray Maiden Commander
Large Earth Elemental, Mummy Cleric, Hell Hound, Tower Girl
Gug, Lem, Halfling Bard, Skeletal Champion, Xulgath
Hill Giant, Tower Girl, Natalya Vancaskerkin, Shriezyx
Glass Golem, Night Hag, Medium Fire Elemental, Medium Earth Elemental
Troll Champion, Grub Swarm, Cleric of Zon-Kuthon, Pallid Path Cultist
Guiltspur Naga, Caryatid Column, Clockwork Soldier, Mite
Many more duplicates within a brick this time. Possibly due in part to having a smaller set of figures. Had one with 5 dupes, one with two.
Saw a new packaging config this time, marked C. Included 2 smalls and a medium. Possibly because this is the first set with a small rare (?). Anyway, that's how my small rare Mesmalatu arrived.
The two bricks left me with at least one of 45 of the 54 figures. Need 1 common and 8 rares. I have no idea how I missed out on a common.
Everything arrived unbroken, with nothing missing. Also have a Blue Dragon that arrived undamaged as well.

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Just 2 bricks instead of a case.
The two bricks left me with at least one of 45 of the 54 figures. Need 1 common and 8 rares. I have no idea how I missed out on a common.
I didn't get all the commons until I opened my 3rd brick. It could be that is how this set works.
Also, Enlight_Bystander has said the Mummy Cleric, Caulborn, Catfolk Rogue, Cleric of Zon-Kuthon could be uncommons. If any of these are the one you are missing, then you may have all the commons. I also didn't complete my uncommons until I opened the third brick.
wxcougar |

We have been collecting since the beginning and this set is absolutely gorgeous. Too many of them are my new favorites. This set was unfortunately our first set with 4 different mishaps. We were able to fix the Dragon without a problem, but 2 broken spider legs and a night hag who have a very bad night plagued us.
1 Caedimus......................4
2 Portioque.....................5
3 Mite..........................4
4 Grub Swarm....................3
5 Boggard.......................3
6 Clockwork Soldier.............3
7 Tower Girl....................3
8 Shadow Hound..................3
9 Xulgath.......................4
10 Medium Air Elemental.........4
11 Medium Earth Elemental.......3
12 Medium Fire Elemental........3
13 Hell Hound...................3
14 Pallid Path Cultist..........4
15 Medium Water Elemental.......5
16 Mummy Cleric.................2
17 Caulborn.....................3
18 Catfolk Rogue................2
19 Clerid of Zon-Kuthon.........3
20 Caryatid Column..............3
21 Gray Maiden..................3
22 Ravenous Ooze................2
23 Hound of Tindalos............2
24 Mite on Spider...............2 (One spider leg broke off)
25 Nightgaunt...................3
26 Shriezyx.....................2 (One spider leg broke off)
27 Skeletal Champion............3
28 Night Hag....................2 (One hag's arm broke off and broke off base)
29 Guiltspur Naga...............2
30 Gug..........................3
31 Hill Giant...................2
32 Fire Giant...................3
33 Glass Golem..................3
34 Iron Golem...................3
35 Wyvern.......................3
36 Troll Champion...............3
37 Wrath Demon..................3
38 Lem, Halfling Bard...........1
39 Amiri, Human Barbarian.......1
40 Ardathanatus.................1
41 Koriah Azmeren...............1
42 Natalya Vancaskerkin.........1
43 Xin..........................1
44 Gray Maiden Commander........1
45 Runelord Sorshen.............1
46 Sheila Heidmarch.............1
47 Mesmalatu....................1
48 Alchemical Golem.............1
49 Clockwork Reliquary..........1
50 Dullahani....................1
51 Large Air Elemental..........1
52 Large Earth Elemental........1
53 Large Water Elemental........1
54 Large Fire Elemental.........1
55 Gargantuan Blue Dragon.......1 (One foot was loose, and extra plastic on tail nub that needed trimmed)
Case 1:
Caedimus 1
Portioque 1
Mite 1
Grub swarm 1
Tower Girl 2
Xulgath 1
Medium Air Elemental 1
Medium Earth Elemental 1
Medium Fire Elemental 1
Hell Hound 1
Pallid Path Cultist 1
Medium Water Elemental 1
Mummy Cleric 1
Caulborn 2
Cleric of Zon-Kuthon 1
Gray Maiden 1
Hound of Tindalos 1
Shriezyx 1
Night Hag 1
Hill Giant 1
Glass Golem 1
Iron Golem 1
Wyvern 1
Troll Champion 1
Wrath Demon 1
Lem, Halfling Bard 1
Gray Maiden Commander 1
Mesmalatu 1
Dullahan 1
Large Earth Elemental 1
Case 2:
Caedimus 1
Portioque 2
Mite 1
Boggard 1
Clockwork Soldier 2
Shadow Hound 1
Xulgath 1
Medium Air Elemental 1
Medium Earth Elemental 1
Medium Fire Elemental 1
Pallid Path Cultist 1
Medium Water Elemental 1
Mummy Cleric 1
Caulborn 1
Catfolk Rogue 1
Caryatid Column 1
Ravenous Ooze 1
Mite on Spider 1
Nightgaunt 1
Skeletal Champion 1
Guiltspur Naga 1
Gug 1
Fire giant 1
Glass Golem 1
Troll Champion 1
Wrath Demon 1
Koriah Azmeren 1
Natalya Vancaskerkin 1
Alchemical Golem 1
Large Water Elemental 1
Case 3:
Portioque 1
Mite 1
Grub Swarm 2
Boggard 1
Clockwork Soldier 1
Tower Girl 1
Shadow hound 1
Xulgath 1
Medium Air Elemental 1
Medium Fire Elemental 1
Pallid Path Cultist 1
Medium Water Elemental 1
Cleric of Zon-Kuthon
Caryatid Column 1
Gray Maiden 1
Ravenous Ooze 1
Mite on Spider 1
Nightgaunt 1
Skeletal Champion 1
Night Hag 1
Guiltspur Naga 1
Fire Giant 1
Iron Golem 2
Wyvern 1
Troll Champion 1
Xin 1
Runelord Sorshen 1
Sheila Heidmarch 1
Clockwork Reliquary 1
Large Fire Elemenal 1
Case 4:
Caedimus 2
Portioque 1
Mite 1
Boggard 1
Shadow Hound 1
Xulgath 1
Medium Air elemental 1
Medium Earth Elemental 1
Hell Hound 2
Pallid Path Cultist 1
Medium Water Elemental 2
Catfolk rogue 1
Cleric of Zon-Kuthon 1
Caryatid Column 1
Gray Maiden 1
Hound of Tindalos 1
Nightgaunt 1
Shriezyx 1
Skeletal Champion 1
Gug 2
Hill Giant 1
Fire Giant 1
Glass Golem 1
Wyvern 1
Wrath Demon 1
Amiri, Human Barbarian 1
Ardathanatus 1
Large Air Elemental 1

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1 Caedimus......................4
2 Portioque.....................5
3 Mite..........................4
4 Grub Swarm....................3
5 Boggard.......................3
6 Clockwork Soldier.............3
7 Tower Girl....................3
8 Shadow Hound..................3
9 Xulgath.......................4
10 Medium Air Elemental.........4
11 Medium Earth Elemental.......3
12 Medium Fire Elemental........4
13 Hell Hound...................3
14 Pallid Path Cultist..........4
15 Medium Water Elemental.......4
16 Mummy Cleric.................2
17 Caulborn.....................2
18 Catfolk Rogue................2
19 Cleric of Zon-Kuthon.........3
20 Caryatid Column..............3 (1 broken off the base)
21 Gray Maiden..................3
22 Ravenous Ooze................3
23 Hound of Tindalos............2
24 Mite on Spider...............2
25 Nightgaunt...................3
26 Shriezyx.....................2
27 Skeletal Champion............3
28 Night Hag....................2
29 Guiltspur Naga...............2
30 Gug..........................3
31 Hill Giant...................2
32 Fire Giant...................3
33 Glass Golem..................3
34 Iron Golem...................3
35 Wyvern.......................3
36 Troll Champion...............3
37 Wrath Demon..................3
38 Lem, Halfling Bard...........1
39 Amiri, Human Barbarian.......1
40 Ardathanatus.................1
41 Koriah Azmeren...............1
42 Natalya Vancaskerkin.........1
43 Xin..........................1
44 Gray Maiden Commander........1
45 Runelord Sorshen.............1
46 Sheila Heidmarch.............1
47 Mesmalatu....................1
48 Alchemical Golem.............1
49 Clockwork Reliquary..........1
50 Dullahani....................1
51 Large Air Elemental..........1
52 Large Earth Elemental........1
53 Large Water Elemental........1
54 Large Fire Elemental.........1
55 Gargantuan Blue Dragon.......1 (Not a great fit on the pieces, particularly the left wing and tail piece)
Depending on the frequency with which these sets come out from now on, I'm at the point where I'm considering dropping the minis line. Pretty as they are, it's just a little too much of a drain on the pocketbook at this point.
Many of the minis are really lovely, though. No complaints there.

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1. Cadmus 4
2. Portioque 2
3. Mite 3
4. Grub Swarm 4
5. Boggard 4
6. Clockwork Soldier 4
7. Tower Girl 4
8. Shadowhound 4
9. Xulguth 5
10. Medium Air Elemental 3
11. Medium Earth Elemental 4
12. Medium fire Elemental 3
13. Hell Hound 3
14. Palllid Path Cultist 3
15. Medium Water Elemental 4
16. Mummy Cleric 3
17. Caulborn 2
18. Catfolk Rogue 3
19. Cleric of Zon Kuthon 3
20. Caryatid Column 2
21. Gray Maiden 2
22. Ravenous Ooze 3
23. Hound of Tindolas 3 (One tongue broken)
24. Mite on Spider 2 (Limbs broken)
25. Nightgaunt 3
26. Shriezyx 2 (Limbs broken)
27. Skeletal Champion 2
28. Night Hag 2
29. Guiltspur Naga 3
30. Gug 3
31. Hill Giant 3
32. Fire Giant 3
33. Glass Golem 2
34. Iron Golem 3
35. Wyvyrn 3
36 Troll Champion 2
37. Wrath Demon 3
38. Lem 1
39. Amiri 1
40. Ardathanatus 1
41. Koriah Azmeren 1
42. Natalya Vancaskerkin 1
43. Xin 1
44. Gray Maiden Commander 1
45. Runelord Sorshen 1
46. Sheila Heidmarch 1
47. Mesmalatu 1
48. Alchemical Golem 1
49. Clockwork Reliquary 1 (Broken from base)
50. Dullahni 1
51. Large Air Elemetnal 1
52. Large Earth Elemetnal 1
53. Large Fire Elemental 1
54. Large Water Elemetal 1
55. Garg Blue Dragon 1
Great distribution of miniatures as always, some broken however :/

Damon Griffin |

1 Caedimus 3
2 Portioque 3
3 Mite 3
4 Grub Swarm 4
5 Boggard 3
6 Clockwork Soldier 4
7 Tower Girl 3
8 Shadow Hound 4
9 Xulgath 5
10 Medium Air Elemental 3
11 Medium Earth Elemental 3
12 Medium Fire Elemental 5
13 Hell Hound 5
14 Pallid Path Cultist 3
15 Common Medium Water Elemental 3
16 Mummy Cleric 2
17 Caulborn 2
18 Catfolk Rogue 3
19 Cleric Of Zon-Kuthon 2
20 Caryatid Column 2
21 Gray Maiden 2
22 Ravenous Ooze 3
23 Hound Of Tindalos 3
24 Mite On Spider 2
25 Nightgaunt 2
26 Shriezyx 3
27 Skeletal Champion 3
28 Night Hag 3
29 Guiltspur Naga 3
30 Gug 3
31 Hill Giant 3
32 Fire Giant 2
33 Glass Golem 3 (one broken off base)
34 Iron Golem 3
35 Wyvern 3
36 Troll Champion 2
37 Wrath Demon 3
38 Lem, Halfling Bard 1
39 Amiri, Human Barbarian 1
40 Ardathanatus 1 (broken off base)
41 Koriah Azmeren 1
42 Natalya Vancaskerkin 1
43 Xin 1
44 Gray Maiden Commander 1
45 Runelord Sorshen 1
46 Sheila Heidmarch 1
47 Mesmalatu 1 (figure broken in half along flame tail)
48 Alchemical Golem 1
49 Clockwork Reliquary 1
50 Dullahan 1
51 Large Air Elemental 1
52 Large Earth Elemental 1
53 Large Water Elemental 1
54 Large Fire Elemental 1

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Here are the numbers from my second case. I broke it down by bricks.
I completed the commons on the second brick and the uncommons on the third brick.
Looking at my list, I only got the Medium Water Elemental and Portoque in 2 bricks so it is entirely possible not to get all the commons from 2 bricks, as happened to Joe Wells. (I only got 2 Caulborn as well, but I am still unsure if it is a common or uncommon.)
2 Portioque.....................1
3 Mite..........................1
4 Grub Swarm....................2
6 Clockwork Soldier.............2
7 Tower Girl....................2
8 Shadow Hound..................1
9 Xulgath.......................1
10 Medium Air Elemental.........1
13 Hell Hound...................2
14 Pallid Path Cultist..........1
19 Cleric of Zon-Kuthon.........1
20 Caryatid Column..............1
21 Gray Maiden..................1
22 Ravenous Ooze................1
23 Hound of Tindalos............1
24 Mite on Spider...............1
27 Skeletal Champion............1
28 Night Hag....................1
30 Gug..........................1
31 Hill Giant...................1
32 Fire Giant...................1
35 Wyvern.......................1
36 Troll Champion...............1
37 Wrath Demon..................1
42 Natalya Vancaskerkin.........1
44 Gray Maiden Commander........1
52 Large Earth Elemental........1
54 Large Fire Elemental.........1
1 Caedimus......................1
3 Mite..........................1
4 Grub Swarm....................1
5 Boggard.......................1
6 Clockwork Soldier.............1
8 Shadow Hound..................2
9 Xulgath.......................1
11 Medium Earth Elemental.......2
12 Medium Fire Elemental........1
13 Hell Hound...................1
15 Medium Water Elemental.......1
16 Mummy Cleric.................2
18 Catfolk Rogue................1
19 Cleric of Zon-Kuthon.........1
23 Hound of Tindalos............1
25 Nightgaunt...................1
26 Shriezyx.....................1
27 Skeletal Champion............1
29 Guiltspur Naga...............1
30 Gug..........................1
33 Glass Golem..................1
34 Iron Golem...................1
35 Wyvern.......................1
37 Wrath Demon..................1
41 Koriah Azmeren...............1
43 Xin..........................1
46 Sheila Heidmarch.............1
48 Alchemical Golem.............1
49 Clockwork Reliquary..........1
1 Caedimus......................1
2 Portioque.....................1
3 Mite..........................1
4 Grub Swarm....................1
5 Boggard.......................2
6 Clockwork Soldier.............1
7 Tower Girl....................1
8 Shadow Hound..................1
10 Medium Air Elemental.........1
11 Medium Earth Elemental.......1
12 Medium Fire Elemental........1
14 Pallid Path Cultist..........1
15 Medium Water Elemental.......1
17 Caulborn.....................1
18 Catfolk Rogue................2
21 Gray Maiden..................1
22 Ravenous Ooze................1
23 Hound of Tindalos............1
24 Mite on Spider...............1
27 Skeletal Champion............1
29 Guiltspur Naga...............1
31 Hill Giant...................1
32 Fire Giant...................1
33 Glass Golem..................1
34 Iron Golem...................1
37 Wrath Demon..................1
40 Ardathanatus.................1
45 Runelord Sorshen.............1
53 Large Water Elemental........1
1 Caedimus......................5
5 Boggard.......................4
6 Clockwork Soldier.............3
7 Tower Girl....................2
8 Shadow Hound..................4
9 Xulgath.......................3
10 Medium Air Elemental.........4
11 Medium Earth Elemental.......5
12 Medium Fire Elemental........2
13 Hell Hound...................4
14 Pallid Path Cultist..........3
16 Mummy Cleric.................3
17 Caulborn.....................3
19 Cleric of Zon-Kuthon.........3
20 Caryatid Column..............2
21 Gray Maiden..................2
25 Nightgaunt...................3
26 Shriezyx.....................2
28 Night Hag....................2
29 Guiltspur Naga...............3
31 Hill Giant...................3
33 Glass Golem..................3
34 Iron Golem...................3
35 Wyvern.......................3
36 Troll Champion...............2
38 Lem, Halfling Bard...........1
39 Amiri, Human Barbarian.......1
47 Mesmalatu....................1
50 Dullahani....................1
51 Large Air Elemental..........1
1 Caedimus......................5+3= 8
2 Portioque.....................4+2= 6
3 Mite..........................4+3= 7
4 Grub Swarm....................4+4= 8
5 Boggard.......................4+4= 8
6 Clockwork Soldier.............3+5= 8
7 Tower Girl....................2+4= 6
8 Shadow Hound..................4+5= 9
9 Xulgath.......................3+3= 6
10 Medium Air Elemental.........4+3= 7
11 Medium Earth Elemental.......5+4= 9
12 Medium Fire Elemental........2+4= 6
13 Hell Hound...................4+4= 8
14 Pallid Path Cultist..........3+3= 6
15 Medium Water Elemental.......3+2= 5
16 Mummy Cleric.................3+3= 6
17 Caulborn.....................3+3= 6
18 Catfolk Rogue................3+3= 6
19 Clerid of Zon-Kuthon.........3+3= 6
20 Caryatid Column..............2+2= 4
21 Gray Maiden..................2+3= 5
22 Ravenous Ooze................3+2= 5
23 Hound of Tindalos............2+3= 5
24 Mite on Spider...............2+2= 4
25 Nightgaunt...................3+2= 5
26 Shriezyx.....................2+2= 4
27 Skeletal Champion............2+3= 5
28 Night Hag....................2+2= 4
29 Guiltspur Naga...............3+3= 6
30 Gug..........................3+2= 5
31 Hill Giant...................3+3= 6
32 Fire Giant...................3+2= 5
33 Glass Golem..................3+3= 6
34 Iron Golem...................3+3= 6
35 Wyvern.......................3+3= 6
36 Troll Champion...............2+2= 4
37 Wrath Demon..................2+3= 5
38 Lem, Halfling Bard...........1+1= 2
39 Amiri, Human Barbarian.......1+1= 2
40 Ardathanatus.................1+1= 2
41 Koriah Azmeren...............1+1= 2
42 Natalya Vancaskerkin.........1+1= 2
43 Xin..........................1+1= 2
44 Gray Maiden Commander........1+1= 2
45 Runelord Sorshen.............1+1= 2
46 Sheila Heidmarch.............1+1= 2
47 Mesmalatu....................1+1= 2
48 Alchemical Golem.............1+1= 2
49 Clockwork Reliquary..........1+1= 2
50 Dullahani....................1+1= 2
51 Large Air Elemental..........1+1= 2
52 Large Earth Elemental........1+1= 2
53 Large Water Elemental........1+1= 2
54 Large Fire Elemental.........1+1= 2
55 Gargantuan Blue Dragon.......1+1= 2
Just as a note on damages.
1)Gugs: Both lost a few teeth.
2)Mite on Spider: One of the spider's legs was broken off.
3)Shriezyx: One of the legs was broken off.
4)One Boggard's leg came up from the base.
Also, all my Boggards in both cases were backwards to the writing, and all the Guiltspur Nagas were at a 45% angle to the writing. There was another that was also at an angle to the writing, but I forgot to write it down.

Joana |

This is the first Pathfinders Battles set I've gotten that has had any actual damage (as opposed to just a mini off a base): Every single hill giant I got fell out of its packaging (no twist-ties on them or the iron golems), and one of them shattered 2 legs off a shriezyx. Going into my last brick, I still hadn't gotten a large air or water elemental, Amiri, a Tower girl, Runelord Sorshen, or Ardathanatus, but I managed to pull a complete set. :)
1 Caedimus 3
2 Portioque 3
3 Mite 3
4 Grub Swarm 4
5 Boggard 3
6 Clockwork Soldier 4
7 Tower Girl 2
8 Shadow Hound 4
9 Xulgath 5
10 Medium Air Elemental 4
11 Medium Earth Elemental 3
12 Medium Fire Elemental 5
13 Hell Hound 5
14 Pallid Path Cultist 3
15 Medium Water Elemental 3
16 Mummy Cleric 3
17 Caulborn 2
18 Catfolk Rogue 3
19 Cleric Of Zon-Kuthon 2
20 Caryatid Column 2
21 Gray Maiden 2
22 Ravenous Ooze 3
23 Hound Of Tindalos 3
24 Mite On Spider 2
25 Nightgaunt 2
26 Shriezyx 3 (1 broken)
27 Skeletal Champion 2
28 Night Hag 3
29 Guiltspur Naga 3
30 Gug 3
31 Hill Giant 3
32 Fire Giant 2
33 Glass Golem 3
34 Iron Golem 3
35 Wyvern 3
36 Troll Champion 3
37 Wrath Demon 2
38 Lem, Halfling Bard 1
39 Amiri, Human Barbarian 1
40 Ardathanatus 1
41 Koriah Azmeren 1
42 Natalyah Vancaskerkin 1
43 Xin 1
44 Gray Maiden Commander 1
45 Runelord Sorshen 1
46 Sheila Heidmarch 1
47 Mesmalatu 1
48 Alchemical Golem 1
49 Clockwork Reliquary 1
50 Dullahan 1
51 Large Air Elemental 1
52 Large Earth Elemental 1
53 Large Water Elemental 1
54 Large Fire Elemental 1
55 Gargantuan Blue Dragon 1

Peanuts |

Mostly happy with the state of things, apart from a few broken minis (detailed below). Definitely going to have to buy some more of the Large Elementals...
1x Rot Grub Swarm
1x Boggard
2x Clockwork Soldier
1x Tower Girl
1x Shadow Hound
1x Xulgath
1x Medium Air Elemental
1x Medium Earth Elemental
1x Medium Fire Elemental
2x Hell Hound
1x Pallid Path Cultist
1x Mummy Cleric
1x Caulborn
1x Cleric of Zon-Kuthon
1x Caryatid Column
1x Gray Maiden
1x Hound of Tindalos
1x Nightgaunt
1x Skeletal Champion
1x Lem
1x Mesmalatu
1x Guiltspur Naga
1x Hill Giant
1x Fire Giant
1x Glass Golem
1x Iron Golem
1x Troll Champion
1x Dullahan
1x Large Earth Elemental
1x Portioque
1x Mite
1x Rot Grub Swarm
1x Boggard
1x Clockwork Soldier
2x Tower Girl
1x Shadow Hound
1x Xulgath
1x Medium Air Elemental
1x Medium Earth Elemental
1x Hell Hound
1x Pallid Path Cultist
1x Mummy Cleric
1x Cleric of Zon-Kuthon
1x Caryatid Column
1x Gray Maiden
1x Ravenous Ooze
1x Mite on Spider (Broken Spider Leg, Broken Spear Arm)
1x Shriezyx
1x Night Hag
1x Koriah Azmeren
1x Natalya Vankaskerkin (Broken off Base)
1x Gray Maiden Commander
1x Guiltspur Naga
1x Gug
1x Hill Giant
1x Glass Golem
1x Wyvern
1x Troll Champion
1x Wrath Demon
1x Large Fire Elemental
1x Caedemus
2x Portioque (One Broken Right Arm)
1x Mite
1x Rot Grub Swarm
2x Boggard
1x Clockwork Soldier
1x Tower Girl
1x Shadow Hound
1x Xulgath
1x Medium Air Elemental
1x Medium Earth Elemental
1x Medium Water Elemental
1x Mummy Cleric
1x Caulborn
1x Catfolk Rogue
1x Caryatid Column
1x Mite on Spider
1x Nightgaunt
2x Skeletal Champion
1x Xin
1x Sheila Heidmarch
1x Guiltspur Naga
1x Fire Giant
1x Glass Golem
1x Iron Golem
1x Troll Champion
1x Wrath Demon
1x Alchemical Golem
1x Clockwork Reliquary
2x Caedemus
1x Portioque
1x Mite
1x Rot Grub Swarm
1x Boggard
1x Clockwork Soldier
1x Tower Girl
1x Shadow Hound
2x Medium Fire Elemental
1x Pallid Path Cultist
1x Medium Water Elemental
1x Caulborn
1x Catfolk Rogue
1x Gray Maiden
1x Ravenous Ooze
1x Hound of Tindalos
1x Mite on Spider
1x Shriezyx
1x Night Hag
1x Amiri
1x Ardathanatus
1x Runelord Sorshen
1x Gug
1x Hill Giant
1x Fire Giant
1x Iron Golem
1x Wyvern
1x Wrath Demon
1x Large Air Elemental
1x Large Water Elemental
4x Portioque (One with Broken Right Arm)
4x Mite
4x Rot Grub Swarm
5x Boggard
5x Clockwork Soldier
5x Tower Girl
4x Shadow Hound
3x Xulgath
3x Medium Air Elemental
3x Medium Earth Elemental
3x Medium Fire Elemental
3x Hell Hound
3x Pallid Path Cultist
2x Medium Water Elemental
3x Mummy Cleric
3x Caulborn
2x Catfolk Rogue
2x Cleric of Zon-Kuthon
3x Caryatid Column
3x Gray Maiden
2x Ravenous Ooze
2x Hound of Tindalos
3x Mite on Spider (One with Broken Spider Leg, Broken Spear Arm)
2x Nightgaunt
2x Shriezyx
3x Skeletal Champion
2x Night Hag
3x Guiltspur Naga
2x Gug
3x Hill Giant
3x Fire Giant
3x Glass Golem
3x Iron Golem
2x Wyvern
3x Troll Champion
3x Wrath Demon
1x Lem
1x Amiri
1x Ardathanatus
1x Koriah Azmeren
1x Natalya Vankaskerkin (Broken off Base)
1x Xin
1x Gray Maiden Commander
1x Runelord Sorshen
1x Sheila Heidmarch
1x Mesmalatu
1x Alchemical Golem
1x Clockwork Reliquary
1x Dullahan
1x Large Air Elemental
1x Large Earth Elemental
1x Large Fire Elemental
1x Large Water Elemental

Memento Mortis |

Here's the distribution from my case:
Most notably I'm missing 5 out of the set (bolded below). It's pretty disappointing as I was looking forward to having a headless horseman type miniature as well as a set of large elementals. I don't know if I'd rather order another case or unsubscribe out of bitterness. I know it's only an effective guarantee that you get a complete set. But seriously... SEVEN GRUB SWARMS?
This is the first time I've ever been disappointed by a Paizo product. I'm not sure how to deal with that...
1. Cadmus 4
2. Portioque 4
3. Mite 7
4. Grub Swarm 7
5. Boggard 2
6. Clockwork Soldier 3
7. Tower Girl 4
8. Shadowhound 2
9. Xulguth 3
10. Medium Air Elemental 2
11. Medium Earth Elemental 7
12. Medium Fire Elemental 1
13. Hell Hound 3
14. Palllid Path Cultist 2
15. Medium Water Elemental 4
16. Mummy Cleric 2
17. Caulborn 4
18. Catfolk Rogue 2
19. Cleric of Zon Kuthon 4
20. Caryatid Column 2
21. Gray Maiden 2
22. Ravenous Ooze 2
23. Hound of Tindolas 3
24. Mite on Spider 3
25. Nightgaunt 3
26. Shriezyx 2
27. Skeletal Champion 1
28. Night Hag 2
29. Guiltspur Naga 4
30. Gug 1
31. Hill Giant 3
32. Fire Giant 2
33. Glass Golem 4
34. Iron Golem 3
35. Wyvyrn 3
36. Troll Champion 2
37. Wrath Demon 4
38. Lem 0
39. Amiri 2
40. Ardathanatus 2
41. Koriah Azmeren 1
42. Natalya Vancaskerkin 1
43. Xin 1
44. Gray Maiden Commander 0
45. Runelord Sorshen 1
46. Sheila Heidmarch 1
47. Mesmalatu 0
48. Alchemical Golem 1
49. Clockwork Reliquary 1
50. Dullahni 0
51. Large Air Elemental 2
52. Large Earth Elemental 0
53. Large Fire Elemental 1
54. Large Water Elemetal 1
55. Gargantuan Blue Dragon 1

![]() |

Comparing your distribution to the others here and to the unboxing videos I've seen on the net, there has to be some kind of human-error element involved in your case. Your highs and lows are concentrated, rather than spread throughout the case. My hunch is that the person packaging the bricks grabbed too many boosters from the same pile. Best of luck in the future!

MythicFox |

First off, unlike prior reports of mine in this one I decided to go ahead and give the brick-by-brick breakdowns. I didn't put them in any sort of booster order, though, as I found it easier to do an inventory later if I just typed the names in in figure order.
This is all the outcome of a single case.
And now, my totals across the entire case:
1 Caedimus......................4
2 Portioque.....................3
3 Mite..........................3
4 Grub Swarm....................2
5 Boggard.......................4
6 Clockwork Soldier.............3
7 Tower Girl....................5
8 Shadow Hound..................4
9 Xulgath.......................2
10 Medium Air Elemental.........5
11 Medium Earth Elemental.......3
12 Medium Fire Elemental........4
13 Hell Hound...................4
14 Pallid Path Cultist..........4
15 Medium Water Elemental.......4
16 Mummy Cleric.................2
17 Caulborn.....................2
18 Catfolk Rogue................2
19 Cleric of Zon-Kuthon.........2
20 Caryatid Column..............2
21 Gray Maiden..................3
22 Ravenous Ooze................3
23 Hound of Tindalos............3
24 Mite on Spider...............3
25 Nightgaunt...................2
26 Shriezyx.....................3
27 Skeletal Champion............2
28 Night Hag....................3
29 Guiltspur Naga...............3
30 Gug..........................3
31 Hill Giant...................3
32 Fire Giant...................3
33 Glass Golem..................2
34 Iron Golem...................2
35 Wyvern.......................3
36 Troll Champion...............3
37 Wrath Demon..................3
38 Lem, Halfling Bard...........1
39 Amiri, Human Barbarian.......1
40 Ardathanatus.................1
41 Koriah Azmeren...............1
42 Natalya Vancaskerkin.........1
43 Xin..........................1
44 Gray Maiden Commander........1
45 Runelord Sorshen.............1
46 Sheila Heidmarch.............1
47 Mesmalatu....................1
48 Alchemical Golem.............1
49 Clockwork Reliquary..........1
50 Dullahan.....................1
51 Large Air Elemental..........1
52 Large Earth Elemental........1
53 Large Water Elemental........1
54 Large Fire Elemental.........1
55 Gargantuan Blue Dragon.......1, of course
Problem pieces:
One of the Hounds of Tindalos had its tongue break off in the box
The Troll Champions' knives were all consistently bent against the corner of the box. I'm aware that it's a minor problem (these weapons get bent in the boxes pretty often), but it was consistent enough across all of the Troll Champions I feel it deserves mention.
One of the Night Hags seemed to have been bent way back on the base. It still stands properly, but the Hag herself appears very off-balance.
One of my Shriezyx lost a tooth (but I appear to have gotten absurdly lucky with regards to the legs).
Noteworthy figures/comments:
The Alchemical Golem's production proof photos don't come anywhere close to actually doing the thing justice. It is just gorgeous.
The Elementals are consistently wonderful and are some of the real prizes of this set if I may say so myself.
Also, the Gugs are much more menacing 'in person.' Part of that is the size (I'd like to reiterate that it'd be nice if we could occasionally get size comparison pics of these in the future, maybe comparing them to already-familiar figures for better scale).
I don't know if it's a new distribution formula or what, but I think this is the first time I've gotten exactly one of each rare in one of these sets. I don't know if you were shooting for that, but if you were then kudos are in order.

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1 Caedimus 4
2 Portioque 5
3 Mite 4
4 Grub Swarm 3
5 Boggard 3
6 Clockwork Soldier 3
7 Tower Girl 3
8 Shadow Hound 3
9 Xulgath 4
10 Medium Air Elemental 4
11 Medium Earth Elemental 3
12 Medium Fire Elemental 4
13 Hell Hound 3
14 Pallid Path Cultist 4 (1 off base; easily fixed)
15 Medium Water Elemental 4
16 Mummy Cleric 2
17 Caulborn 2
18 Catfolk Rogue 2
19 Cleric Of Zon-Kuthon 3
20 Caryatid Column 3
21 Gray Maiden 3
22 Ravenous Ooze 3
23 Hound Of Tindalos 2 (1 toungless)
24 Mite On Spider 2
25 Nightgaunt 3
26 Shriezyx 2
27 Skeletal Champion 3
28 Night Hag 2
29 Guiltspur Naga 2
30 Gug 3
31 Hill Giant 2
32 Fire Giant 3
33 Glass Golem 3
34 Iron Golem 3
35 Wyvern 3
36 Troll Champion 3
37 Wrath Demon 3
38 Lem, Halfling Bard 1
39 Amiri, Human Barbarian 1
40 Ardathanatus 1
41 Koriah Azmeren 1
42 Natalyah Vancaskerkin 1
43 Xin 1
44 Gray Maiden Commander 1
45 Runelord Sorshen 1
46 Sheila Heidmarch 1
47 Mesmalatu 1
48 Alchemical Golem 1
49 Clockwork Reliquary 1
50 Dullahan 1
51 Large Air Elemental 1
52 Large Earth Elemental 1
53 Large Water Elemental 1
54 Large Fire Elemental 1
55 Gargantuan Blue Dragon 1

danielc |

Here is my case breakdown:
1 Caedimus...4
2 Portioque...5
3 Mite...3
4 Grub Swarm...4
5 Boggard...2
6 Clockwork Soldier...3
7 Tower Girl...4
8 Shadow Hound...2
9 Xulgath...4
10 Medium Air Elemental...4
11 Medium Earth Elemental...3
12 Medium Fire Elemental...4
13 Hell Hound...3
14 Pallid Path Cultist...4
15 Medium Water Elemental...5
16 Mummy Cleric...2
17 Caulborn...3
18 Catfolk Rogue...2
19 Cleric of Zon-Kuthon...2
20 Caryatid Column...2
21 Gray Maiden...3
22 Ravenous Ooze...3
23 Hound of Tindalos...2
24 Mite on Spider...2
25 Nightgaunt...3
26 Shriezyx...2
27 Skeletal Champion...2
28 Night Hag...3
29 Guiltspur Naga...2
30 Gug...3
31 Hill Giant...3
32 Fire Giant...2
33 Glass Golem...3
34 Iron Golem...3
35 Wyvern...3
36 Troll Champion...3
37 Wrath Demon...3
38 Lem, Halfling Bard...1
39 Amiri, Human Barbarian...1
40 Ardathanatus...1
41 Koriah Azmeren...1
42 Natalya Vancaskerkin...1
43 Xin...1
44 Gray Maiden Commander...1
45 Runelord Sorshen...1
46 Sheila Heidmarch...1
47 Mesmalatu...1
48 Alchemical Golem...1
49 Clockwork Reliquary...1
50 Dullahan...1
51 Large Air Elemental...1
52 Large Earth Elemental...1
53 Large Water Elemental...1
54 Large Fire Elemental...1
55 Gargantuan Blue Dragon...1

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1 Caedimus x 3
2 Portioque x 3
3 Mite x 3
4 Grub Swarm x 4
5 Boggard x 3
6 Clockwork Soldier x 4
7 Tower Girl x 2
8 Shadow Hound x 4
9 Xulgath x 5
10 Medium Air Elemental x 4
11 Medium Earth Elemental x 3
12 Medium Fire Elemental x 5
13 Hell Hound x 5
14 Pallid Path Cultist x 3
15 Medium Water Elemental x 3
16 Mummy Cleric x 3
17 Caulborn x 2
18 Catfolk Rogue x 3
19 Clerid of Zon-Kuthon x 2
20 Caryatid Column x 2
21 Gray Maiden x 2
22 Ravenous Ooze x 3
23 Hound of Tindalos x 3
24 Mite on Spider x 2
25 Nightgaunt x 2
26 Shriezyx x 3
27 Skeletal Champion x 2
28 Night Hag x 3
29 Guiltspur Naga x 3
30 Gug x 3
31 Hill Giant x 3
32 Fire Giant x 2
33 Glass Golem x 3
34 Iron Golem x 3
35 Wyvern x 3
36 Troll Champion x 3
37 Wrath Demon x 2
38 Lem, Halfling Bard x 1
39 Amiri, Human Barbarian x 1
40 Ardathanatus x 1
41 Koriah Azmeren x 1
42 Natalya Vancaskerkin x 1
43 Xin x 1
44 Gray Maiden Commander x 1
45 Runelord Sorshen x 1
46 Sheila Heidmarch x 1
47 Mesmalatu x 1
48 Alchemical Golem x 1
49 Clockwork Reliquary x 1
50 Dullahani x 1
51 Large Air Elemental x 1
52 Large Earth Elemental x 1
53 Large Fire Elemental x 1
54 Large Water Elemental x 1
55 Gargantuan Blue Dragor x 1

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Based on 14 complete cases (sorry Joe Wells), here is the average mini per case.
Of the Commons, Tower Girl is the rarest at 3.5; while Portioque, Mite, Grub Swarm, Xulgath, and Medium Air Elemtal are more common at 3.71.
Of the Uncommons, Caryatid Column, Mite on Spider and Schriezyx are rarest at 2.29; while the Iron Golem and Wyvern are more common at 2.93.
Based on the numbers, a person should get all of the rare mini in a case, provided there was no error in packaging.
Caedimus 3.64
Portioque 3.71
Mite 3.71
Grub Swarm 3.71
Boggard 3.36
Clockwork Soldier 3.57
Tower Girl 3.50
Shadow Hound 3.57
Xulgath 3.71
Medium Air Elemental 3.71
Medium Earth Elemental 3.57
Medium Fire Elemental 3.64
Hell Hound 3.64
Pallid Path Cultist 3.36
Medium Water Elemental 3.57
Mummy Cleric 2.43
Caulborn 2.50
Catfolk Rogue 2.43
Cleric of Zon-Kuthon 2.64
Caryatid Column 2.29
Gray Mayden 2.57
Ravenous Ooze 2.64
Hound of Tindalos 2.57
Mite on Spider 2.29
Nightgaunt 2.50
Shriezyx 2.29
Skeletal Champion 2.36
Night Hag 2.43
Guiltspur Naga 2.79
Gug 2.64
Hill Giant 2.79
Fire Giant 2.57
Glass Golem 2.86
Iron Golem 2.93
Wyvern 2.93
Troll Champion 2.64
Wrath Demon 2.86
Lem, Halfling Bard 0.93
Amiri, Human Barbarian 1.07
Ardathanatus 1.07
Koriah Azmeren 1.00
Natalya Vancaskerkin 1.00
Xin 1.00
Gray Maiden Commander 0.93
Runelord Sorshen 1.00
Sheila Heidmarch 1.00
Mesmalatu 0.93
Alchemical Golem 1.00
Clockwork Reliquary 1.00
Dullahani 0.93
Large Air Elemental 1.07
Large Earth Elemental 0.93
Large Water Elemental 1.00
Large Fire Elemental 1.00
Gargantuan Blue Dragon 1.00

I don't have my count handy,
The pros on this set:
Some really nice figures - Large Water Elemental and Troll Champion are stunning.
Finally the N/PCs are mostly rare, so with two bricks, I am at something like 80-90% monsters - yay!
The cons:
There were a lot of figures off the base or broken in some way, including rares. My Natalia's leg was separated from her ankle.
It's still hard to amass a decent bunch of commons.
Your distribution needs work. Three rares in an entire brick is a total letdown.
Overall though, I am a fan who will keep buying. Great set!

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Two full bricks and not one large elemental. Not one gray maiden. Not one gray maiden commander. Zero Dullahni, Lems, or Amiris.
Two bricks. Sixteen boxes. Random distribution is fun!
Update: 3 full bricks plus two boxes = total of 26 boxes. All of the above still holds true. Seriously.

danielc |

Blackthourn wrote:Update: 3 full bricks plus two boxes = total of 26 boxes. All of the above still holds true. Seriously.Two full bricks and not one large elemental. Not one gray maiden. Not one gray maiden commander. Zero Dullahni, Lems, or Amiris.
Two bricks. Sixteen boxes. Random distribution is fun!
26 boxes and not one Gray Maiden? None?
Are you buying your boxes and cases direct from Paizo?
Man, you need to trade minis with folks rather than buy another box.

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Blackthourn wrote:Update: 3 full bricks plus two boxes = total of 26 boxes. All of the above still holds true. Seriously.Two full bricks and not one large elemental. Not one gray maiden. Not one gray maiden commander. Zero Dullahni, Lems, or Amiris.
Two bricks. Sixteen boxes. Random distribution is fun!
I'm guessing you are buying them individually or by brick at you local game store? If that is the case, it is most likely you are getting bricks from different cases, so there is no guarentee of a full set.

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I received my case today and only had one breakage: a fire giant popped off the base (a quick and easy fix once I find my glue). I did have a number of minis pop out of their packaging. Generally speaking I don't think the packaging, in and of itself, is the problem. I think human error at the factory is a root issue. Either A, there is a lack of regard when packaging the minis and not placing the minis in place properly or not putting the two halves together properly, or B, there is a lack of foresight in placing bulky Large minis in the same package as bulky Medium minis (mostly the medium Earth and Water Elemental minis). There was a design flaw in the packaging for a handful of Large minis whose base could not fit into the slot of the other half of the packaging. This was mitigated by having them tied to their packaging-half. Ultimately, I feel that attention to the details when packaging the minis would take care of a majority of the issues regarding loose/broken minis.
Regarding my list of itemized bricks, I placed the case so the front of the boosters were facing me and opened the bricks starting with the rear brick, then the front, and then opened the bottom row back to front. Regarding the boosters, I opened the rear row first, left to right, then did the front row, left to right.
Booster #1: Mite, Pallid Path Cultist, Caulborn, Large Earth Elemental
Booster #2: Caedimus, Medium Fire Elemental, Cleric of Zon-Kuthon, Troll Champion
Booster #3: Xulgath, Hell Hound, Shriezyx, Hill Giant
Booster #4: Portioque, Boggard, Mite on Spider, Fire Giant
Booster #5: Xulgath, Medium Fire Elemental, Nightgaunt, Glass Golem
Booster #6: Medium Earth Elemental, Gray Maiden, Gray Maiden Commander, Wrath Demon
Booster #7: Shadow Hound, Skeletal Champion, Natalya Vancaskerkin, Gug
Booster #8: Mite, Clockwork Soldier, Caryatid Column, Large Fire Elemental
Booster #1: Medium Air Elemental, Medium Fire Elemental, Ravenous Ooze, Clockwork Reliquary
Booster #2: Caedimus, Clockwork Soldier, Caulborn, Troll Champion
Booster #3: Medium Earth Elemental, Catfolk Rogue, Koriah Azmeren, Guiltspur Naga
Booster #4: Portioque, Nightgaunt, Xin, Wyvern
Booster #5: Tower Girl, Xulgath, Shriezyx, Hill Giant
Booster #6: Grub Swarm, Night Hag, Sheila Heidmarch
Booster #7: Medium Air Elemental, Medium Water Elemental, Mummy Cleric, Alchemical Golem
Booster #8: Portioque, Pallid Path Cultist, Ravenous Ooze, Wrath Demon
Booster #1: Medium earth Elemental, Hound of Tindalos, Ardathanatus, Glass Golem
Booster #2: Boggard, Shadow Hound, Skeletal Champion, Hill Giant
Booster #3: Portioque, Medium Air Elemental, Catfolk Rogue, Fire Giant*
Booster #4: Clockwork Soldier, Pallid Path Cultist, Gray Maiden, Guiltspur Naga
Booster #5: Caedimus, Medium Water Elemental, Caryatid Column, Gug
Booster #6: Grub Swarm, Medium Fire Elemental, Night Hag, Large Water Elemental
Booster #7: Medium Water Elemental, Ravenous Ooze, Runelord Sorshen, Iron Golem
Booster #8: Grub Swarm, Tower Girl, Mite on Spider, Troll Champion
* popped off base, easy to fix by gluing.
Booster #1: Caedimus, Hell Hound, Gray Maiden, Gug
Booster #2: Grub Swarm, Caulborn, Mesmalatu, Glass Golem
Booster #3: Portioque, Medium Water Elemental, Hound of Tindalos, iron Golem
Booster #4: Tower Girl, Caulborn, Halfling Bard, Wyvern
Booster #5: Tower Girl, Medium Air Elemental, Mummy Cleric, Dullahan
Booster #6: Xulgath, Medium Water Elemental, Shriezyx, Wrath Demon
Booster #7: Hell Hound, Nightgaunt, Human Barbarian, Wyvern
Booster #8: Mite, Pallid Path Cultist, Cleric of Zon-Kuthon, Large Air Elemental
1. Caedimus: 4
2. Portioque: 5
3. Mite: 3
4. Grub Swarm: 4
5. Boggard: 2
6. Clockwork Soldier: 3
7. Tower Girl: 4
8. Shadow Hound: 2
9. Xulgath: 4
10. Medium Air Elemental: 4
11. Medium Earth Elemental: 3
12. Medium Fire Elemental: 4
13. Hell Hound: 3
14. Pallid Path Cultist: 4
15. Medium Water Elemental: 5
16. Mummy Cleric: 2
17. Caulborn: 3
18. Catfolk Rogue: 2
19. Cleric of Zon-Kuthon: 2
20. Caryatid Column: 2
21. Gray Maiden: 3
22. Ravenous Ooze: 3
23. Hound of Tindalos: 2
24. Mite on Spider: 2
25. Nightgaunt: 3
26. Shriezyx: 3
27. Skeletal Champion: 2
28. Night Hag: 3
29. Guiltspur Naga: 2
30. Gug: 3
31. Hill Giant: 3
32. Fire Giant: 2
33. Glass Golem: 3
34. Iron Golem: 3
35. Wyvern: 3
36. Troll Champion: 3
37. Wrath Demon: 3
38. Lem, Halfling Bard: 1
39. Amiri, Human Barbarian: 1
40. Ardathanatus: 1
41. Koriah Azmeren: 1
42. Natalya Vancaskerkin: 1
43. Xin: 1
44. Gray Maiden Commander: 1
45. Runelord Sorshen: 1
46. Sheila Heidmarch: 1
47. Mesmalatu: 1
48. Alchemical Golem: 1
49. Clockwork Reliquary: 1
50. Dullahan: 1
51. Large Air Elemental: 1
52. Large Earth Elemental: 1
53. Large Fire Elemental: 1
54. Large Water Elemental: 1
55. Gargantuan Blue Dragon
In all, I'm pretty happy with the distribution I got. I might still pick up an handful here or there. I didn't spend much time studying the minis, but in the brief time I looked at them, I was extremely impressed.
I'm looking forward to the next one!

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Yep—if you want to minimize overlap, and maximize the number of different models you get, you'll want to make all of your purchases from a single factory-sealed case, if you can.
For future sets, try to make arrangements with your store to set a whole case aside with your name on it. Then you can buy it a little at a time like you are doing now and still get a full set. Most gaming store are reasonable and will accomidate customers.Of course, make sure the case was unopened and then sign the case and remaing bricks with your name so someone doesn't accidently give them out.

Catprog |
Regarding my list of itemized bricks, I placed the case so the front of the boosters were facing me and opened the
bricks starting with the rear brick, then the front, and then opened the bottom row back to front. Regarding the
boosters, I opened the left column back to front, 2nd left etc.
Brick A
46,22,8(loose and wraped around the ooze),30(off the base)
8(wrapped around 37),17(loose),7,37
Brick B
9,10,25,31(loose and possibly paint on the packaging)
Brick C
Brick D
By Number
5 1
3 2
4 3
4 4
3 5
4 6
2 7
4 8
4 9
3 10
5 11
2 12
5 13
3 14
3 15
2 16
4 17
3 18
2 19
3 20
2 21
3 22
2 23
2 24
2 25
2 26
3 27
2 28
3 29
3 30
3 31
2 32
4 33
3 34
3 35
2 36
2 37
1 38
1 39
1 40
1 41
1 42
1 43
1 44
1 45
1 46
1 47
1 48
1 49
1 50
1 51
1 52
1 53
1 54

Catprog |
36(loose but tied down),22,42(loose),7
31(loose), 7,24(loose),6
30(loose but tied down),21,2,44
52(loose but tied down),27,3,13
32(loose but tied down),23,4,6
36(loose but tied down),16,13,9
32(loose but tied down),22,2,7
30(loose but tied down),23,1,15
51(loose but tied down),5(loose),28,12
31(loose and paint transfer),45,17,14
32(loose but tied down),43,4,25
3 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
5 6
4 7
5 8
3 9
3 10
4 11
4 12
4 13
3 14
2 15
3 16
2 17
3 18
3 19
2 20
3 21
2 22
3 23
2 24
3 25
2 26
2 27
2 28
3 29
3 30
3 31
3 32
3 33
2 34
3 35
2 36
3 37
1 38
1 39
1 40
1 41
1 42
1 43
1 44
1 45
1 46
1 47
1 48
1 49
1 50
1 51
1 52
1 53
1 54