Ki Arrow questions

Rules Questions

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

I have some questions regarding the Ki Arrow spell:

1) Do feats such as Weapon Specialization and Dragon Style apply to the damage?

2) Can this be used with any size of arrow?

3) Can you use Deadly Aim with it?

4) Can this be used with the Two-Handed Thrower feat, if the Arrow is large enough?

5) Can one cast the spell, then Rage, then make the ranged attack roll?

6) Can you apply Elemental Fist damage to the Arrow?

7) Can this be used with Magic or Special Material Arrows?

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

Just off the top of my head late at night, so take with a mine of salt.

1) Looks like yes, by RAW.

2) Sure, but it will have 0 effect on the damage.

3) Probably.

4) No. An arrow is not a one or two-handed weapon. If you're using it as an improvised weapon, it's not an arrow anymore but an improvised stabbing weapon.

5) I don't think so, because this isn't a spell that can be "held" the way a touch attach could.

6) No, because elemental fist says "This ability only works with bare fists"

EDIT: I withdraw this one, because without realizing it I had pulled up the wrong Elemental Fist vs Elemental Fist

7) Sure, but that will have little effect other than overcoming damage resistance.

Grand Lodge

Well, an Arrow of appropriate size deals damage as a dagger, and is a light weapon.

Thus, large Arrow is a one-handed weapon, and a huge Arrow is a two-handed weapon.

This why I ask about Arrow size, due to it's interaction with feats and abilities.

blackbloodtroll wrote:
1) Do feats such as Weapon Specialization and Dragon Style apply to the damage?

Yes to Weapon Specialization (Unarmed, of course), but no to Dragon Style. Dragon style triggers on the first unarmed strike you make in the round. The Ki Arrow deals damage as an unarmed strike, but is not, in fact, an unarmed strike.

blackbloodtroll wrote:
2) Can this be used with any size of arrow?

There's no size restriction, so yes. But the size is irrelevant for the spell.

blackbloodtroll wrote:
3) Can you use Deadly Aim with it?

That's a tricky one. It depends on what the definition of "ranged damage roll" is. Deadly Aim penalizes ranged attack rolls (which is definitely what you're making for the Ki Arrow), but it specifically adds to ranged damage rolls.

It is ambiguous as to whether or not the unarmed strike damage becomes a ranged damage roll or not.

I think it applies, but I am unsure.

blackbloodtroll wrote:
4) Can this be used with the Two-Handed Thrower feat, if the Arrow is large enough?

No. It takes a standard action to throw a weapon two-handed with that feat, and you're casting a spell that simply includes an attack.

blackbloodtroll wrote:
5) Can one cast the spell, then Rage, then make the ranged attack roll?

You throw the arrow as part of the spell, so no, not unless you can cast spells while raging (say, if you were a Rage Prophet).

blackbloodtroll wrote:
6) Can you apply Elemental Fist damage to the Arrow?

Actually, the Elemental Fist feat (I'm assuming you're talking about the one actually written by Paizo) never says anything about what weapon it works with. It seems like you could add Elemental Fist onto any attack, actually, so yes.

blackbloodtroll wrote:
7) Can this be used with Magic or Special Material Arrows?

It doesn't say you can't, so yes.

Grand Lodge

8) How would a Weapon Training effect the damage?

9) Which weapon group would effect the Arrow?

10) If using a Huge Arrow, would it still count as a two-handed weapon?

11) Can a Grenadier Alchemist use his Alchemical Weapon ability on the Arrow?

12) Can a Myrmidarch Magus use his Ranged Spellstrike through the Arrow?

13) Can a Witch use the Hex Strike feat with the Arrow?

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

14) Do bonuses from an amulet of mighty fists (including properties like shocking) get added to the damage?

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber
blackbloodtroll wrote:
8) How would a Weapon Training effect the damage?

Weapon Training does not affect the damage.

blackbloodtroll wrote:
9) Which weapon group would effect the Arrow?

That's why Weapon Training doesn't affect the damage, there is no weapon group for thrown arrows.

blackbloodtroll wrote:
10) If using a Huge Arrow, would it still count as a two-handed weapon?

No. It's still a piece of ammunition. You're just lobbing it in the general direction and magic is imparting more "ooomph" to it.

blackbloodtroll wrote:
11) Can a Grenadier Alchemist use his Alchemical Weapon ability on the Arrow?

I don't see why not, since the ability works on ammunition.

blackbloodtroll wrote:
12) Can a Myrmidarch Magus use his Ranged Spellstrike through the Arrow?

I'm not sure the action economy works. Perhaps if you quickened your casting of Ki Arrow ?

blackbloodtroll wrote:
13) Can a Witch use the Hex Strike feat with the Arrow?

No. The witch is not making an unarmed strike, but is making a ranged attack with the aid of magic that just happens to do damage as if she had made an unarmed strike.

rainydayninja wrote:
14) Do bonuses from an amulet of mighty fists (including properties like shocking) get added to the damage?

Unclear. Ask the Magic Eight-ball again later. Or your GM.

The Exchange

Would a monk using this spell be able to bypass damage reduction as per the Ki strike ability?

At 4th level, ki strike allows his unarmed attacks to be treated as magic weapons for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.

At 7th level, his unarmed attacks are also treated as cold iron and silver for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.

At 10th level, his unarmed attacks are also treated as lawful weapons for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.

At 16th level, his unarmed attacks are treated as adamantine weapons for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction and bypassing hardness.

Does a Ki Arrow need to be thrown straight away. Could you use Ki Arrow with abundant ammunition Spell

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