RotRL meets City of Strangers


Some time ago myself and some friends began playing through the Rise of the Runelords AP. However, life interfered and we ended the game before Hook Mountain. A group of us are now trying to get a regular gathering going again and I have been granted the DM reigns.

I would like to return to the RotRL AP, but a number of players from the former group are in this group. To save us the repetition I was thinking of using Kaer Maga and The Godsmouth Heresy (module) as a starting point. Then I would follow it up with some of my own ideas/adventures. Then when the party is level appropriate I can lead them to Hook mountain.

Is there any major issues with this change? Are there any hooks or important NPCs from the first two books that need to be represented with Kael Maga versions? Any suggestions or tips would be appreciated.


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