Table: Average CR AC vs Attack Bonus



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Sup folks,

I've created a table for your pleasure. What this table attempts to do is to help players know where their Attack Bonus should be at each level to ensure the chances of hitting are always in their favor.

On the x axis is hit bonus
On the y axis is CR (With average AC on the left)

60%-95% is green
45%-55% is yellow
05%-40% is red

On the left, if the CR is green, means I've averaged every Paizo creature of that CR's AC (From PFSRD) and listed on the left. If it's in red, means I've just made an educated guess. When I finish, I'll revert it to black so that you know that it's accurate.

Not sure this is worth stickying, but it should be helpful!

You'll also notice that I've only pasted values. If you're interested in the formula PM me.

Have fun!

Google Docs Link


PS if you're interested in helping to perfect this project sooner, you could average out all of the CR's for any of the red-listed CR's and post them here. I don't suspect the results will be radically different from what I've estimated, but the true numbers would be more useful.

I went to PFSRD, opened the Bestiary by CR, copied down each AC number, and averaged them out.

This is a very helpful table.
Looked up on this a few times for character builds. Thank you.

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