Changing Address - Omits part of my address

Customer Service

I have been trying to change my mailing address, but it seems to omit important information.

I put my address in as
-123 N Fake St
But after clicking submit and viewing the active address, it shows as
-123 Fake St

My previous address didn't have any issues like this.

*This isn't my address. Just an example

EDIT: Also occurs on changing my billing information.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Your address is being standardized through a system that ensures it conforms to the USPS database. Unless your address is *really* new—as in, was finalized in the last couple of weeks—the "corrected" form we get back should be, well... correct. In some cases, communities provide residents with addresses that are not identical to official USPS mailing addresses—if your address is being standardized to something you're not expecting, please check with your post office and determine definitively what they think your address should be.

As far as I know, it's a pretty old address. I may have to look into it.

Looks like our address can live without the direction (saw mail that was [redacted and replaced with] 123 Fake St)

Thank you anyways :)

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