Gamer Connection

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Looking for additional players for my ongoing PFRPG campaign. Currently playing Jade Regent. Located in Greenbelt Maryland, off Greenbelt Road/Baltimore Washington Pkwy. We play on the 2nd and 4th Saturdays of the month beginning at 1 p.m.


I might be up for this. 42y.o. long-time D&D/PF player living in Annapolis area. What are the current PC needs (e.g. rogue-type, healer, etc.)?

I'll send e-mail to address too.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Major lack in the Trapfinding Class feature department and a minor lack in the healing department.

Bookmark/bump. I've got a tank/healer build I'm itching test. Would that do?

A healer would work very well. Almost lost the Sorcerer today. I got the party to 7th level. Jan 26th is next session. If interested in playing send me an email.


ChaosWalker- You still looking for players? I'm new to the area and looking for a good group to join.

Renitent Rover wrote:
ChaosWalker- You still looking for players? I'm new to the area and looking for a good group to join.
ChaosWalker wrote:

We play on the 2nd and 4th Saturdays of the month beginning at 1 p.m.


Email Chaoswalker using the address above, right away. The next game is this weekend.


wrack wrote:

ChaosWalker wrote:


Email Chaoswalker using the address above, right away. The next game is this weekend.

Just did so, thanks.

Is this group still looking for local players? I live in Hyattsville, MD, just outside DC. I am new to Pathfinder, but i grew up playing D&D and many other rpg's. I might be rusty, but I am looking forward to playing some again.

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