
wrack's page

9 posts. No reviews. 1 list. No wishlists.


Renitent Rover wrote:
ChaosWalker- You still looking for players? I'm new to the area and looking for a good group to join.
ChaosWalker wrote:

We play on the 2nd and 4th Saturdays of the month beginning at 1 p.m.

contact: chaos.walker@verizon.net

Email Chaoswalker using the address above, right away. The next game is this weekend.

Has anyone heard anything new on this game? Are we the un-cool kids who didn't ge picked?

Bookmark/bump. I've got a tank/healer build I'm itching test. Would that do?

I'm moving to Alexandria in a couple weeks; I'm in if there's still space.

(As an infrequent and relatively new GM) I plan my adventures based on the soundtrack. No joke. I get in the Pathfinder headspace and click through my mp3 library, looking for adventures. Then I twist the ideas until they make sense with my PC's motivations, and add some spit and duct tape to make them fit together. If the players or the clock interfere with my shiny packaging, cliffhanger. ("We have to fight an inter-dimensional what? Oh, s!*t.")

I use a meta-notebook, similar to Liegence, along side an Evernote notebook for past adventures and future ideas.

From a gameplay standpoint, I try to balance PC freedom of choice with its illusion. If they get way off track or lost (freedom), a second plot hook will provide opportunities for me to give them clues that they missed (illusion). When the paladin wanted to smite evil instead of investigating, I made up something about missing orphans to hook him by the LG (illusion). When they snuck around a mansion in the middle of the night (freedom), the BBEG killed his own minions before they could.

I'm still a heavy-handed GM. In my next adventure, a PC is going to have his soul ripped out whether he makes the save or not. I need that to happen for the story's sake. He'll get it back, but not before they've accepted the quest to go find it again.

Serum wrote:
All the costs for all the special materials that are based on weight are from the base weight.

I agree, but I can't find the source in a rulebook. Halp!

As for the original question, I appreciate the flavor but disagree with the approach. IMO, if you can afford darkleaf cloth in that quantity, spend the money on a Handy Haversack or Bag of Holding type I instead. Incredible, cosmos-warping capacity, itty-bitty carrying space.

Thread resurrection. Oops.

I ran into the same question, and ultimately chose to use a greatsword and buckler. Zealous adherence to the greatsword was too appropriate for the character to abandon it. I use Sacred Shield primarily during buff rounds, before the brawl starts.

IMHO, having a shield-style bonus on a 2H-fighter is a little to much without some sort of trade-off. (Let's face it, an HV of Gorum with a greatsword, a few levels under his belt, and the Versatile Channel feat? That may be the best possible mix of brute force and divine might yet.)

The ferocity subdomain of strength gives me the other-wise inaccessible Enlarge Person, 1/day. That's a small price for a bonus feat and nearly-doubled speed (30ft(mithral plate)+10ft(domain)+10ft(longstrider) = 100ft charge or 300ft run?).

I'm creating a character for a level 7 home game. My character concept started with "How much fun can I wring out of Holy Vindicator?" Said concept morphed into "How BA of a DPR/tank can I make out of HV?" (other confirmed party members include an arcane archer , invulnerable-rage barbarian, and a ftr2/clr5)

Current Build:
Str 19 [16 + 2 race + 1 ability boost]
Dex 14 [solely for AC bonus]
Con 14 [added HP for tanking]
Int 10 [avoiding skill pt loss]
Wis 14 [can't cast 5th level spells until lvl16 anyway]
Cha 10 [avoiding channel energy losses]

class levels:
1 Clr1: Destruction & Ferocity domains
2-6 Ftr1-5: Two-handed fighter variant class: ditches bravery, armor training for better power attacks
7 Vindicator1
equipment: spiked mithral plate, greatsword

feats (3 fighter, 1 human, 4 character):
power attack, cleave, shield of swings
weapon focus greatsword
extra channel, warrior priest(UM), align channel, weapon specialization
(projected) CL9 feat: imp crit
(projected) CL11 feat: quick channel

standard procedure should be
rd1: buff self
rd2+: break things
after: channels, etc for party

I'm keenly aware that I lose 5 levels of cleric casting ability up front and 1/4 levels from 7 up. This character is a tank with a little divine extra up his bracers. My target is to be a better fighter in every way than a paladin of the same level.

Can I do anything else to boost DPR and survivability?