Other options than Armored Coat for changing armor in combat?


I've got a Ranger who has just taken a dip in Monk. And, I was wondering if there were any options for taking off a breastplate in one round in combat, in-case he ran up against something that used primarily touch attacks.


What's the break DC of a breastplate? Could you rip it off yourself Hulk Hogan style?

Grand Lodge

You could not wear armor, then when you need it, have someone cast Serren's Swift Girding on you.

Also, just have a wand of it.

Sovereign Court

That brings up some really silly imagery. The monk will have the breastplate strapped to his back (carried, not worn) and then the spell transports it onto him.

I love this game, but PF players can no longer maintain the moral high ground versus 4E players. Yall/we are equally devious.


RtrnofdMax wrote:

That brings up some really silly imagery. The monk will have the breastplate strapped to his back (carried, not worn) and then the spell transports it onto him.

I love this game, but PF players can no longer maintain the moral high ground versus 4E players. Yall/we are equally devious.

Sillier than the ranger deciding his armor is a hindrance and ripping it off his own body, destroying it in the process?

Grand Lodge

The Hide Shirt has rules for bursting out of it.

Monks lose all class features when wearing armour... What is the point in the dip?

But Armoured Coat is the Only option...

The guy is a tank. He wields only a shield and keeps a hand free for style feats. The primary reason he dipped in monk was to gain better saving throws and dual styles.

Meh, I think I'll just drop that ability and take Ironskin Monk (Our GM waives all racial requirements if said class/feat/whatnot doesn't interact with features that are unique to a particular race)

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

A mithral version of folding plate (Ultimate Equipment), if you're willing to spend a feat on Heavy Armor Proficiency (to avoid the ACP applying to attack rolls). Mithral so you can still use your Combat Style feats and Evasion (mithral heavy armor counts as medium for everything except proficiency).

"This item normally looks like a heavy [steel] brooch or cloak clasp, often depicting a heavy helm or sturdy shield. On command, the brooch transforms in a clatter of metal plates and panels to instantly cover the wearer in a complete suit of +1 full plate, with the design of the brooch displayed on the armor's breastplate. The same command word causes the armor to transform into the brooch. The brooch only transforms if the wearer's armor slot is unoccupied, thus it won't work if the wearer is already armored. The brooch associated with the armor weighs less than a pound and occupies the neck slot when in this form." (market price 12,650 gp)

A mithral version would have a market price of 21,500 gp. You are simply replacing the normal masterwork steel full plate (1,650 gp) base item with a mithral full plate (10,500 gp) base item.

As a ranger, you have access to barkskin and greater magic fang, which reduces the need to use an amulet of natural armor or an amulet of mighty fists.

Use Folding Plate when walking around then drop it to the Brooch for combat to use what few Monk Abilities you have.

There are no Monk abilities that require no armor (that I have at Level 1 Master of Many Styles Monk), other than the Wis AC boost, which is only helpful if I'm up against say, ray attacks.


Ah! Thank you Dragonchess Player! That works perfectly!

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