Spells while being unconscious

Rules Questions

I have a question about the rules of spells such as magic armor, or summoning an eidolon. What happens if the character becomes unconscious? Do the spells stay or are they immediately dismissed?
The rules say nothing about this, but one would assume the caster has to be conscious to hold the spell together.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Spell durations continue to run as long as the target of the spell is still a valid target (and it's not a bad house rule to allow them to continue beyond that).

The most common example of stopping being a valid target is dying: a dead creature is an object, and this can't be targeted by spells that need to be cast on a creature (unless it specifies a dead creature).

So yes, spell durations continue if the caster is unconscious.

Just to clarify: So does the eidolon thingy?

The section about eidolons answers the question. Eidolons are dismissed when you go unconscious.

Liberty's Edge

PRD wrote:
If the summoner is unconscious, asleep, or killed, his eidolon is immediately banished.

Under Eidolon in the Summoner description.

And to add, there is a feat in UM, Resilient Eidolon, that allows it to remain after you go unconscious/killed for a limited time (based on Level). If you regain consciousness before the limit is reached, the Eidolon remains too.

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