Best "sandboxy" style modules?

GM Discussion

Sovereign Court

I may have a chance to run several PFS modules for old friends in a tight frame of time. They've played in organized play before, however they didn't enjoy the experience very much because the modules felt too linear and "set piece" in design. Most of their RPGing was old school in style and period.

I know I've run and played some PFS modules before that were "sandboxy" to a degree, where the module essentially set up a situation and the players were able to approach the broad situation on their own terms, rather than being driven from one point to the next.

Now that there are many seasons out there of material, is there a best-of list of these sandboxy style modules that I could cherry pick from to run for them? I'd like to give them something that feels a little more familiar to them so it helps bridge between the old and the new.

The Exchange 5/5 RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

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"Decline of Glory" is a good example. "Throaty Mermaid" perhaps. "Rebel's Ransom".

Silver Crusade 4/5

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Ghennet Manor Gauntlet and Red Harvest spring to mind immediately, though they're higher level. Also, Mists of Mwangi and Penumbral Accords both involve wandering the Blackros Museum in no particular order.

There are some with linear plots that have enough RP outside combat that your friends might still like them. I'm thinking Frostfur Captives and Assault on the Kingdom of the Impossible.

Dark Archive 1/5

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I could say that you can run the Blakros Family Story Arc; that is Mists of Mwangi, Voice in the Void, Penumbral Accords, Echoes of the Overwatched, and finally the famous Blakros Matrimony :)

Also, you could check out the Throaty Mermaid and Bloodcove Disguise, which are sandboxish.


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My top choice in the sandbox style is The Temple of Empyreal Enlightenment.

Liberty's Edge 2/5

Eelario wrote:
My top choice in the sandbox style is The Temple of Empyreal Enlightenment.

The Temple of Empyreal Enlightenment also happens have wonderful RP potential. It gets my highest recomendation.

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 ** RPG Superstar 2014 Top 32

I really like Among the Living for this. The encounters don't even happen in specific rooms.

Carrion Hill is a sanctioned module, but it should scratch that itch. Same with Murderer's Mark.

Other non-linear scenarios I would recommend as somewhat sandboxy:
The God's Market Gamble
The Disappeared
The Blakros Matrimony
Severing Ties (A little railroady, but it's not bad.)
The Pallid Plague
The Jester's Fraud


4-07 Severing Ties has sandbox potential. The scenario encourages the GM to allow "outside the box" solutions to the the primary goal. The scenario is lots of fun if you have creative players.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32


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