Traps involving black powder, bullets, pellets...?


Does anyone have any traps they've created using black powder and other firearm ammunition? I'm planning an adventure where a group of Kobolds have gotten a hold of a shipment from Alkenstar and I'm looking for some inspiration. I'll probably have a few kegs lying around in some of the dungeon, but I also want to have some traps specifically crafted by the Kobolds.

time to make some claymore mines. basically lots of ball bearings/bullets in a container around an explosive.

trigger it, and you've maimed everyone within X distance.

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

ninja'd on claymores.

trip wires/ pressure plates/ doors attached to blunderbusses make for a more focused shot.

Grand Lodge

Give them a tripwire with rifles aimed at it, then when they detect it (it's easy to find) BAM!!! Pressure mine!

Box of Powder, Spark Cantrip, and 50 Firearm bullets. All in a specially designed Box.

Claymore Mine.

Yeah, I wanted to make some 'mine' type traps as well, but wasn't sure where to start. May have some barrels with bullets and powder lying around instead of just powder...
Ha! Just totally thought of doing a 'rope-tied-to-doorknob-tied-to-gun' trap. That might be a bit cruel, though...

Also, sorry for the thread double-post, my internet was acting up.


Are there rules for what happens if you're coated in black powder, then take fire damage? If so, the kobolds could throw bags of powder as a splash weapon, then follow up with a fire attack?

Maybe the trap opens up holes in the ceiling for black powder to pour on the PCs, then next round the magic Burning Hands trap goes off?

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